Ok, so recently my house was robbed. Well, not RECENTLY as it was back in late October. The point is, the jerks pretty much cleaned us out of everything electronic. They even went as far as stealing the batteries out of our home phones so we couldn't call the police. Well, since then, insurance has paid for me to replace everything, which I have done (don't tell the robbers!). However, some genuinely awesome friends of mine raised money for me and my girl and recently handed us over $600 in gift cards to Best Buy to help us buy back some stuff. Seeing as how we already have through insurance, we decided to get a surround sound system for the house. However, neither one of us is realy that knowledgeable about what we should get. I basically want it for my TV viewing experience more than anything else, but movies, music etc. is also a must. So my question is, what should I get? I have a 50" plasma TV and a BIG living room in which to work. I also have an xbox360 and a HD-DVD players I would like to set up to whatever system I buy. Is anyone out there with any experience and within my price range (roughly 5 to 6 hundered) willing to help?
No problem brother. Just wanted to share this. Try here for good deals. http://www.jr.com/JRSectionView.proc...Audio_Systems/ http://www.amazon.com/b/ref=amb_link...f_rd_i=1065836
I just got this system at Best Buy a couple weeks ago. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8504692&type=product&id=1186004964722 Sounds AMAZING! And its very nice that you can hook everything up to it and use it to switch between sources. Bad thing is to hook it up right will probably cost you $250-$300 in cables depending on how much stuff your connecting to it. I bought 3 HDMI cables, 2 Optical Audio cables, 2 Component Cables, and 100 extra feet of speaker wire. Granted, thats probably more than the average person will need. FYI, I started a similar thread before I bought mine asking for advice. There is some good info there. http://celtkin.com/forums/showthread.php?t=727&highlight=Theater
These are my speakers. 1200W set. I actually got it on sale for $379 at Best Buy. I also saw a good price on circuit city.com. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8254603&type=product&id=1169512582087 They have outstanding sound. The speakers and subwoofers are powerful enough. They have more Watts than the Sony and Panasonic in its class. I put in Batman Begins in the DVD player and it sounds like I am in a movie theater. It has HDMI in and out if you want to hook up a game system. It also has Optical in. I love these speakers. I hope your recovery goes well!
Uhhhmmmm. Just a suggestion, but seeing as how you invested in HD-DVD *cough* Betamax II *cough*, you might want to invest in a blu-ray player ;-) As for the other, that thread Motion is VERY informative. I am holding off, but am going to eventually Piece together my surround system
no offense, but why would you spend that much on cables? www.monoprice.com prolly would have cost you about 50-60 bucks for all that, and it's the same stuff.... i am partial to onkyo HTIB's (they sell at CC) but any HTIB with a real deal receiver (basically with a buttload of inputs on the back) should be cool stay away from one with an included dvd player, imo.
I know, I had Gift Cards and had to have them right away. I actually did get two HDMI cables from there. But one of them wasn't long enough so I just went out and bought the longer one at Best Buy.
There's a new round of Blu-Ray players coming soon that have features incompatible with the first generation of devices (PS3 excluded.) It's best to actually wait for the second round.