I see what Seth did there. Michelle, I am currently on the fence on whether to try my luck online, or just say **** it and his up BART and scalp a couple of tickets at the Coliseum. I may be reduced to listening ot a radio feed if all else fails.
sam, I feel like crap, the flu i thnk, otherwise i would go too. So, the radio and whatever i can find online are my only options....
Doesn’t the 75 mile blackout rule only affect the area around the stadium the game is being played in?
If I had it, I would let ya... I'm stuck going to the bar nearly every week. I was thinking maybe someone around here would offer up lol.
Thank you to everyone who responded with PMs and such. This really is a great place with great people....I appreciate you all!
freaking out right now because i can't find any of my normal streams. can someone send me a pm? EDIT: never mind i got one
The way i understand the blackout rule is that it goes by zip codes. So, I believe that if any part of a zip code is within the radius then the whole zip code gets zipped.
Word on the street is I know a free on demand site that one would have to speak to me privately to find out for every sports game of that day.