Big Ten offical background raises questions

Discussion in 'College Sports' started by BuckeyeKing, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007

    "A Big Ten football officiating team that came under scrutiny for its performance in two conference games last month was led by a crew chief with a history of bankruptcy, casino gambling, child abuse and allegations of sexual harassment, a Yahoo! Sports investigation has revealed."

    "Pamon and the seven-man officiating team he oversees came under fire after a series of controversial calls during a game between Penn State and Purdue on Nov. 3. Afterward, Purdue Coach Joe Tiller filed an official complaint with the Big Ten. The performance reportedly led the Big Ten to suspend the crew for the final week of the regular season. But before the suspension took effect Nov. 17, the conference allowed the officials to work a game between Illinois and Ohio State."

    I knew that game wasnt right. Especially that fumble. Didn't get reviewed because of problems with the monitor. BS

    Freaking Big Ten needs to clean house.
  2. finswin56

    finswin56 Get a mop

    Dec 3, 2007
    St. Augustine
    I am far from an OSU fan, but that fumble not getting reviewed was BS
  3. just win baby

    just win baby New Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    yeah you guys lost, so OF COURSE the refs threw the game. :001_rolleyes:
  4. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007

    Never said that.

    We still probably would have lost but there was a unfair advantage in that game. Considering that guy had money on that game.

    There were alot of questionble calls in that game.

    And really I could careless that we lost that game were still in the national title game.
  5. my 2 cents

    my 2 cents Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    NC Mountains
    Speaking of games that were not right.....ever heard of Terry Porter...he is from Ohio, grew up a Buckeye fan, resides in Ohio......he was on the crew that game Colorado five downs versus Mizzou, he threw the flag on Ismail's return in the OB that cost the Colorado a victory and possible NC before the way this guy from Ohio, big Buckeye fan, Big 12 official, residing in Ohio and one of the ALL TIME worst officials in CF...

    was the same guy that called Pass interference 5 seconds after the play in the Fiesta Bowl against Miami and FOR OHIO STATE in OT that would have given UM the NC.....

    Not *****in it is what it is...just the facts...and mighty suspicious itself would you not agree.......
  6. zackattack54

    zackattack54 New Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    Do you mean this call???
  7. my 2 cents

    my 2 cents Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    NC Mountains
  8. finswin56

    finswin56 Get a mop

    Dec 3, 2007
    St. Augustine
    Today on ESPN's College Football Live, they reported that there is no evidence that Pamon has bet on any college games.
  9. Awsi Dooger

    Awsi Dooger New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    No kidding. That's certainly the way I would wager, if I'm allowed an ironic attachment.

    Fans thrill to latch onto the Hollywood angle, the one with the devious schemes and tons of variables. It's not much different than the initial reaction to the Sean Taylor story.

    Meanwhile, the likely truth is nothing happened, certainly not fixing a game. For one thing, if that Penn State/Purdue game was manipulated the officiating crew did a horrendous job of it. The spread came down to a missed extra point. I can just imagine placing a huge bet on a game and allowing it to be decided on something like that, a game the basically landed smack on the spread. A manipulated game by definition shouldn't threaten the impost.
  10. finswin56

    finswin56 Get a mop

    Dec 3, 2007
    St. Augustine
    :up: Sometimes people just suck at their job.
  11. zackattack54

    zackattack54 New Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    Nope. I actually first saw a poster of this at my dentist's office. In a bigger picture you can clearly see the defender grabing the receivers jersey while the ball is in flight - thus pass interference, the correct call.

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