Vitor replaces Dan Henderson in a fight with Franklin. Dana again proving that it's all about the fans. So what happens to Henderson? And Tito is back! Sounds like he's in a good place.
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I’m thankful for the people around me, my camp, my beautiful girlfriend Jenna Serously you couldn't do any better Tito then that bored out bimbo?
To me it'd be more like having Arlovski vs. Sylvia 4. Liddell already beat his *** twice. Why would we want another fight between them?
im really glad they changed the Hendo vs. Franklin fight. im a big Hendo fan, but their last fight was a snoozer, and i though Franklin won anyways.
Hendo was in my home town giving a MMA seminar over the weekend and was out at the bars that night. Didn't know about it til I saw his picture on the front of the paper the next day. Glad they changed the fight as well. Welcome back Vitor and Tito!
Chuck vs. Tito now would be a great match, IMO. Chuck has lost a step, so has Tito and they both have something to prove. Henderson and Silva is a great idea, but taking Henderson off the 103 card weakens it even more, IMO.
That was my point about Chuck and Tito. For the why would we wanna see it again because Liddel has already won twice comment. Well i certianly enjoyed Rampage Silva 3
All Tito has to do at this point is connect with Chuck's chin. Assuming he keeps his clean of course.
chuck should take a FULL year off of sparing and fighting and try to make a come back. he needs to give his chin a rest.
well, i would rather watch Silva AA 4, rather than this, honestly. there is NO point to this what so ever. Lidell has 1 fight left. He fights Tito, he wins, tito's credibility goes way down, because he lost to Chuck who has been KTFOd 3 out his last 4 fights, and Titos stock plummits. He loses, Tito beats old chuck, who has been ktfod 3 out of last 4, sending Chuck in to retirment on a sour note, losing to tito who will be talking garbage, which wont boost titos credibility any more. For UFC and Dana, its a lose, lose situation.
I thought about this at work. Tito and Dana had this thing going for a while...Tito said he will be signing with strikeforce...Striekfroce and Affliction almost merged...And Dana announces that Tito and Dana are fine after Tito says that he will sign with strikeforce, then after negotiations with Fedor didin't come throught ,and it was obvious that he will sign with strikeforce, Dana announces that Tito is officially back. I think this might of been a business discision more than anything. Tito is a recognizable face in north american mma, and having him somewhere else, on prime time with the company that just signed Fedor might legimitized strikerfoce in eyes of fans. Maybe im wrong, and propably am, lol. But i do honestly think Dana isn't bringing him back just because they got tired of fighting, imo.
I dont know what to expect out of him. If its true that last 2-3 fights in UFC he was 75% because of his back, then he might suprise some people. He is a marketable face, add his history with mma and **** talking, you have yourself a ppv selller. At least first 2-3 times.