$169.99 for coffee beans previously shatted out by civets? Credit Norman at UncleBeanz - one of the best roasters in the US - for the courage and panache to make this relatively "accessible." BTW, this is where I buy almost all my coffee beans; Norman really is the ****.
the best i ever had was blue mountain coffee from jamaica. wonder how much better this could possibly be
I can't imagine it could be that much better than Blue Mountain or any other super-premium; then again, I just can't imagine ever having Kopi Luwak, unless a bunch of us did a group buy for samplers.
The civets eat the coffee berries; after expulsion the berries are stripped of the outer covering, cleaned and dried in the sun for 20 days - then the Roaster roasts the beans, finally eliminating all possibility of contamination.
id be lying if i said i didnt want to try it. btw...we got a lot goin on at Fanhell bro. we miss you there. everything cool? id have PMd you, but cant.
Now you can. I started going out with someone, got really busy there for a while. Now...not so busy. I'll be by.
I'd like to try this , too. I've known about it for a long time, but always thought it was both gross and a stupid idea; now that I know more about the process I find it more intriguing. But at about $10 a cup...ugh. I couldn't justify that kind of extravagance right now.
i feel the exact same way. i could never justify a weeks worth of grocery shopping for my family, on 1 tiny bag of coffee. i dont even trust myself or my cuisinart(a rather nice maker my mom got us) to make this stuff. i'll bet this stuff starts turning up on hoity toity menus eventually though.
Ive had it a few times a guy at work "smuggles" it in from his family trip out there...its pretty good but Im no "connisuer" I sure as **** wouldnt pay 10$ for a cup of it...very strong buzz effect tho .