"I don't even know why he's even thinking about me," Jones said. "I mean, maybe he likes other men and sits up and thinks about stuff, so I don't know. ... Is Joey Porter the commissioner? Then why would I even worry about it?" ESPN - Jacksonville Jaguars receiver Matt Jones responds to Joey Porter's remarks Maybe we should just institute a gag policy before every wide receiver in the league starts talking it up with Porter?
Porter can't complain, he did the same thing to Kellen Winslow. Joey really needs to do a better job of reigning in his comments, I didn't hear the interview, but I'm not sure why he would bring up the Matt Jones situation when responding to a question on dangerous hits. You don't try to justify bad behavior by giving more examples of bad behavior.
Those rumours have been circulating for years in the gay community. Like ascii said, where's theres smoke.......
That's kind of sad. Porter was making a remark in regards to players getting fined for complaining about calls and stuff, and there's a guy that got cold busted with coke in his car on the field every week. And all Jones can come up with is something juvenile like questioning Porter's sexuality?
I think Peezy would go after better looking guys :P lol. Seriously though these gay comments are getting a little much. Take it to the field (aka Marshall).
Porter has a point. the guy got suspended and then appealed it, but still gets to play? i think you should be suspended until the league decides what to do with you. like any other job...
btw that "gay" guy is leading the league in 'sacks' right now. coincidence? as i said earlier who cares what his preference is?
The sad thing is that Matt Jones was probably coked up during that interview. We can no longer take anything that guy says seriously, because we don't know if he's in the right mind to mean it or not.
Ya, the "your gay, dude" comeback stopped being effective back in 5th grade. Guess Marshall and Jones never mentally evolved past that grade level. BTW, if Jones was caught with coke, wouldn't you think the league would do an immediate drug test on him? Odds are he would be positive and then he would be immediately suspended. Why that hasn't happened makes no sense to me.
****, this sounds like middle school banter. "You're stupid" "Yeah well You're gay" and it does seem like Matt Jones is projecting.
Could explain the drug problem? Trying to cover one thing up with another? Maybe his intent was indeed to get arrested and thrown into jail. One may never know.
I didnt get that vibe from this. But I agree with what Porter is saying, its not like fans haven't been saying it. He prob. shouldn't have put him out there like that, not his place.
Interesting how a player's reputation makes a huge difference in how the public perceives comments like this. When JT came out and said the same thing about Merriman being eligible for DPOY after being busted doping we all commended him and rallied behind him. When J-Peezy speeks out against a player using drugs and not being suspended a lot of people think he should keep his mouth shut. I'm not really choosing one side or the other - just interesting how much a reputation has an effect on the same situation.
A lot of people are saying what he says is right. First, teh absurdity of someone chopping up some blow in the middle of the night in a freaking car still playing. Yes absurd. Second, the league is so quick to act in so many other cases when it comes to their reputation. Yet why not this? is it because they don't want to make a big deal out of it, keep it out of the headlines?