Please let us offer up a prayer that Ava comes through her treatment well. I received this email today from Ava's mom - Carmelina - in response to an email I sent her asking how Ava is doing. _____________________________________ Ava will be starting a very aggressive phase of treatment in a couple of weeks, but she's a trooper and seems to be doing really well. Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness and all you have done to help cheer up Ava. It really means a lot to all of us. Carmelina and Family
The entire family has mine. This shames me when I think about how I gripe about just dumb stuff. May the Lord touch and protect them.
Deb - you are an awesome person. You don't gripe about dumb stuff. We're all praying for Ava. She's a beautiful girl btw and her family is awesome. Can't wait to see her again. Love you girl. We'll pray for her at church tomorrow.
Thoughts and prayers for little Ava. It's tough to see anyone go through this type of thing, but it's harder to see a child go through it.
thoughts and all my best. i hope she keeps fighting. life is too precious. if i could sit and talk with her i would. i have never gone through any kind of treatment but i was born 3 months premature in 1985 and was given a 15% survival rate due to A) holy **** that's a 3rd of the trimester and B) the technology --or lack thereof-- at the time. I was literally no bigger than the size of your palm when I was born.
Prayers, thoughts, and best wishes to Ava and her family during this time. Thanks so very much for the update Mary.