I'm talking about Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2 (for those who don't know). I am a RABID Final Fantasy Tactics fan, and after putting in at least 400+ hours on the first 2 games (combined), I can't wait to log another 200+ hours on this sucker! Any other FFT fans out there looking forward to this? I haven't read a whole lot on it, but I hope Calculators make an appearance in this game!
I never played any tactics games (because the PS version was hard to find and expensive when I could). However, I am patiently waiting on 4 Square Enix games: FFXIII, FFXIII-Versus, Last Remnant, and Infinite Undiscovery.
Do you have a GBA or DS? If you do, FFTA is well worth picking up. If FFTA2 is half as good as FFTA was, it's going to be a must-have.
I did just recently get a DS, I'll have to look out for this one for sure. When is it supposed to come out?
The original Tactics was a brilliant game made even more wonderful by the PSP re-release. But I've never been a fan of Tactics Advance. They screwed with the core gameplay, and I don't like having certain classes accessible only by certain races, especially when an all-Viera team of Assassins is pretty much going to decimate everything that dares stand before it. I'll pass on A2, and will instead save my money for Final Fantasy IV DS. (Actually, I've already preordered and paid in full for it.)
Agreed, it wasn't as good as the original. But it's easily the second-best SRPG in history. What's wrong with decimating the enemy? That's what makes these games great, after many hours, you can put together a team that is near INVINCIBLE! In the original, my team, with just 2 Calculators, could end 99% of battles in the first turn. That's the great reward you get for putting in the time.
so I picked up tactics yesterday. awesome game! I'm only about 4 hours in but so far it is tons of fun. the jobs and abilities through me for a loop at first so I may need to restart. I didn't realize that the abilities on your weapons and armor are what decide when you can switch jobs. I left the main guy as a soldier with the same sword for about 4 levels before I realized I needed to find another weapon with the soldier skill to advance.
I would definitely restart. You're only 4 hours in, that's not even 1/25th of the time that you'll most likely put in to this game.
Second best SRPG ever? Heavily disagreed. I don't even have it in the top 25; or if I did, it would be in the bottom five. It's a balance issue. If one class is superior to all the others, and is relatively easy to obtain, then there's no point in using anything else. It renders the variety useless. In contrast, FFT: War of the Lions' Dark Knights are extremely imbalanced, but that's evened out by their utter ridiculous prerequisites. Viera Assassins are not hard to obtain. There's a difference between reward and ruination. Dark Knights are a reward, Calculators are ruination. Anyway, A2 is getting some great reviews, but I'm going to pass on it for a while. Maybe I'll grab it used after I beat FF4DS.
I've never played the remake on the PSP. All of my references are from the original. Dark Knight is an attainable class in the PSP port? In the original, only certain special characters were dark knights, I only remember one, Gafgarian. You talk about ruination, once Orlandu is in your party, you're pretty much unstoppable. Is he even in the PSP version? You don't even need to do anything to get him, you just let him join your party later in the game. The way I look at it, Viera Assassins in FFTA, and Calculators in FFT, are far less broken than Orlandu.
so I restarted last night, turned out to be a good idea. Unfortunately the clan bonuses you get are random, I guess, because the one I used before is not there anymore. Also the names of the peeeps are all different so when it hands out the MVP of the battle I'm always like 'Who the F is that???' haha.
I've played both. The PSP version is better, even though it has graphical slowdown during spell effects. Alexander Smith's retranslation is wonderful. Dark Knight is different from Gaffgarian's class, which has been retitled Fell Knight in the PSP version to differentiate the two. Dark Knight is much, much different from Gaffgarian. Orlandeau is still in there, but less effective. Also, in the original, no one held a gun to your head and forced you to use him, let alone accept him into your party. Orlandeau can't end the battle in two turns. Singlehandedly, yes, but he still has to traverse the map and pick people off one by one.