Buying tickets tomorrow for AC/DC (hopefuly!) VERY psyched...always been a big fan..never thought I'd get a chance to see them in person (I grew up in the middle of Iowa....simple things like seeing the dolphins or bands seemed out of reach for me.
first thing i learned when I picked up my guitar was the opening chords to "You shook me all night long"....First thing I demanded my buddy teach me.....the opening to "Thunderstruck"....totally stoked....
Scored the tickets this morning. First section (just above the floor)...but BOY I hate buying tickets. I was on 30 seconds after it opened $90.00 all tickets...but the floor was unavailable from the get go. I'm psyched about my tickets, but refreshed it in another window a few times to see if I could get better....I consistently got the 300 I jumped on mine. Came back 3 hours later and I found one that was equally as good as is with that? How can "best tickets" give me such a wide variety over that period of time? Had I gotten 300 level tickets I'd be peeved right now. Something fishy about buying tickets....
I worked with a guy who used to see acka dacka play in pubs and clubs in Melbourne before they hit it big. He was very disappointed when he went to see one of their big stage shows, and said it was only half as good as the shows they used to put on in small venues.
Eh...i'm cautious when listening to fans who get bitter when their favorite little band gets too big to fit into their back pocket. A lot of people get mad when their bands hit it big. Everyone I've talked to can't quit saying how great the show was. And as long as Angus doesn';t los his fingers between now and then, I think i'll come away happy
Small clubs have a different chemistry / atmosphere than stadiums involving more than just the band which may be why that person felt he was disappointed. It could also be the difference between Johnson and Scott depending on when he saw them in a stadium. Both very good at fronting the band but very differently. As for Angus I've always loved his guitar work. He is no virtuoso or shredder but he has a rich bluesy rock sound and style that I've always enjoyed very much. I've never had the opportunity to catch them live but I bet it's a hell of a fun experience.