Has Obama signed away our sovereignty. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=94331 http://financialexecutives.blogspot.com/2009/04/g-20-leaders-pledge-action-financial.html I need to study this more but if true we are already sunk unless there is a way to get out of this. Will study and get back to you ASAP
Obama is a weak, nut case who is eroding this countries liberties and freedoms. The very things we have fought for for 233 years, gone with the stroke of a pen. Hope the 51% are Happy
I see this as nothing more than our complete submission to the central banking authority in Europe where the Rothchilds of this world control everything else. Its what they've been working toward since we became a country. Us breaking away from under the Brits was our finest hour IMHO and Andy Jackson throwing them out of the Country was another high point and we held our own right up until 1913 and the SHTF. While Jack and Bobby made a stab at correcting this mess; in trying to do it under the table, so to speak, it backfired. Face it we, as a people, are not good at doing things undercover and I pray we never will become comfortable doing so. That is the way of the con artist not the good guy. I want us to be different and while alot of people would gladly make us into Europe or Canada for all of their social good works; to much of anything is not how we were built. One can't be FREE and be SAFE at the same time without being actively responsive in providing that safety. The Government will not save you!! We understood all of this at one time; the cold war. Back then we were always in the open and the results were understood by all of the players. Just like in "Big Jake" "Your fault, my fault, nobodys fault you are the first to die." quite simple really, not to many rules to mess it up and you knew that even though you weren't winning neither was the other guy. There is something to be said for everyone having a gun, everyone gets very polite and acts nice.