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  1. Sethdaddy8
  2. padre31
  3. padre31
  4. dolfan94
  5. Dolphins1Beatles
  6. Finatic8480
  7. Finatic8480
  8. ATVZ400
  9. Topdawg13
  10. Sceeto
  11. Silverphin
  12. finyank13
  13. Georgia Fin
  14. Duss
  15. Duss
  16. dgb11112
  17. Duss
  18. Duss
    RB/TE Casey Fitzsimmons OG Stefen Peterman Offer away
    Thread by: Duss, Jan 25, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Trades
  19. Duss
  20. JimToss
  21. slickj101
  22. BuckeyeKing
  23. padre31
  24. late again
  25. gafinfan
  26. RickyNeverInhaled
  27. Furious Yellow
  28. texanphinatic
  29. brandon27
  30. alen1
  31. Straz
  32. Straz
  33. brandon27
  34. padre31
  35. Brown42000
  36. Straz
  37. Sceeto
  38. Straz
  39. Straz
  40. Straz
  41. Straz
  42. bkbuffet
  43. anlgp
    Just saw it go by on the NFL show on sportscenter.
    Thread by: anlgp, Jan 15, 2009, 17 replies, in forum: Other NFL
  44. bkbuffet
  45. MrClean
  46. ATVZ400
  47. Jaydog57
  48. anlgp
  49. alen1
  50. anlgp
  51. TheAnswer385
  52. Rocky Raccoon
  53. Rocky Raccoon
  54. brandon27
  55. alen1
  56. brandon27
  57. alen1
  58. alen1
  59. alen1
  60. alen1
  61. alen1
  62. ATVZ400
  63. alen1
  64. alen1
  65. ATVZ400
  66. ATVZ400
  67. ATVZ400
  68. ATVZ400
  69. alen1
  70. ATVZ400
  71. alen1