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  1. Tone_E
  2. BigDogsHunt
  3. Paul 13
  4. RickyBobby
  5. opfinistic
  6. Phinatic425
  7. Frumundah Finnatic
  8. Big Red
  9. SICK
  10. Topdawg13
  11. BuckeyeKing
  12. padre31
  13. jmhudak17
    Thread by: jmhudak17, Sep 12, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Miami Dolphins Forum
  14. 2socks
  15. Disnardo
  16. RickyNeverInhaled
  17. Samphin
  18. emale2u1
  19. King Felix
  20. Rocky Raccoon
  21. texasPHINSfan
  22. MelbournePhin
    is he hurt bad?
    Thread by: MelbournePhin, Sep 21, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Other NFL
  23. slickj101
  24. TheAnswer385
  25. BuckeyeKing
    Did they flake out?
    Thread by: BuckeyeKing, Apr 26, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Goal Line Blitz
  26. azfinfanmang
  27. jldolfan
  28. gafinfan
  29. zach8111
  30. andyahs