Question about being a "Fan" of the Dolphins

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by PhinishLine, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. PhinishLine

    PhinishLine Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Ok, I've been having this discussion with my friends about football and their respective teams. And the topic came up about being an actual fan of your respective team. And I know here we are a bit overkill because if you can't really spit the 53 man roster and know the last iteration of the PS you really can't engage in all conversation. Ok but here is the comment that I made. I don't say this to exclude anyone or try to rise above anyone.....but....

    "I feel that if you cannot spit (recite) your starting roster (At least most, I understand people skimp on the lines) (excluding ST) then you are not a fan of <insert team>"

    I received a lot of backlash from this comment and was really surprised. Do you guys think its too much to ask for someone who say they are a "fan" of a team to know the starting roster. We aren't talking about John Denney here....the nuts and bolts starters.

    So......are we all nuts or does my statement have merit?

    (Just a topic of discussion.....not a Spanish inquisition) If you joined a message're probably a fan! lol.
  2. Larryfinfan

    Larryfinfan 17-0...Priceless Club Member

    There are all levels of fandom...Don't let it stress you. If you think you are a Fins Fan, then that's fine with most of us... I'm a fan of NFL football in general, but I certainly don't know the rosters of all 32 teams...nor do I have an inclination to do so... Let it go, enjoy being a Fins fan !!
    jdang307 and dolfan7171 like this.
  3. NolePhin

    NolePhin Look out for D-Bess

    Apr 27, 2009
    Davie, FL
    I agree. There are too many people that call themselves "fans" and don't know anyone other than Chad Henne, Ronnie, Brown, and Ricky Williams. The obvious players that EVERYONE in Miami knows who even just casually watches games.

    People throw the term fan around too loosely imo. Their criteria to be a fan consists of casually watching games, and owning some sort of Dolphin memorabilia (hat, tshirt). IMO these people are casual watchers of Dolphins football, or of football in general.

    I could give multiple examples of people that say are Dolphin fans and even have game tickets, but don't know players/coaches names past the top 2 or 3 most obvious ones.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  4. JimToss

    JimToss Thank You Chad Pennington

    Oct 11, 2009
    There is a difference between a true fan, and a fan.
    I am without a doubt a true Miami Dolphins fan. Know every move that happens, and could recite nearly the whole roster.
    But, I don't expect this out of everyone. Think about how much time you actually devote to this "habit." It's an obsession.

    I enjoy watching nearly every sport. I love my Oregon Ducks, Colorado Avalanche and to a lesser degree the Washington Nationals. But I only see myself as a fan of them. I am a true Miami Dolphins fan.
    That's how I see it.

    Its fine either way. The league wouldn't exist without the casual fan.
    dolphinfn3454 and dolfan7171 like this.
  5. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    I think too many people are way too hung up on trying to decide whether other people are "true fans" or not. It's as bad as talking to different religious denominations about who is a "true Christian."
  6. the 23rd

    the 23rd a.k.a. Rio

    Apr 20, 2009
    Tampa Area
    differing degrees in all things, especially fans
    if up post & follow the team, you rate big in Dolfdom
    late again and dolfan7171 like this.
  7. Ultra

    Ultra Lazy

    Mar 24, 2008
    Why do we need to classify people into categories of fans. If you like the Phins, good for you. I don't need to make myself feel like a 'better' fan by reciting stats and player bios.
  8. PhinishLine

    PhinishLine Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    lol, like I said was just a question thrown out there to judge folks responses. Not challenging anyone's fanhood.....

    But least the skill position players! I should be able to engage in some sort of sports dialogue in a sports bar or fanhood debate, right? Whats the point of rooting for something if you don't know what you're rooting for.

    Also, i am very glad we are all Dolphins fans because I'd hate to get into an argument with any of you all if we rooted for different teams.

    BTW, I've already accepted the fact that each and every one of you all, like myself, are obsessed.

    Anyone adopted the long snapper yet?
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  9. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    Who cares if they can't recite the entire starting line up... I consider myself a San Francisco Giants fan and Miami Heat fan, but not a "true" fan by those standards. I'm a "true" Dolphins fan by the standards but some just don't get into the sport as much as other. Let them enjoy it how they wish. Just IMO.
  10. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Steve Young was always my favorite Dolphin.
    dolphindebby and Fin D like this.
  11. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    went to the grocery store yesterday during the jets/colts game
    saw a guy decked out in indy gear
    that is the type of fan that sucks
    i asked him if he knew the game was on
    he said yeah but the wife had to do some shopping
    not this guy
    when the dolphins are on someone better be dying before they interrupt me
  12. PhinishLine

    PhinishLine Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    lol, You don't know the Heat starting lineup GiK? Its only 5 guys bud.
  13. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    ...but I know the Dolphins offense line starting line up, does that help? :lol:
  14. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Some people just do not know linemen.
  15. PhinishLine

    PhinishLine Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    lol, back to old faithful I see!

    Can't go wrong sticking with whatya know!
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  16. krypto

    krypto Banned

    Sep 22, 2009
    That's not being a fan. That's having an obsession.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  17. PhinishLine

    PhinishLine Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    My fiance knows....that Dolphin time is "not a good time." Whatever it is, it better be bleeding profusely in order for me to take time away from watching Gibril Wilson miss tackles!
    jetssuck, dolfan7171 and JimToss like this.
  18. JimToss

    JimToss Thank You Chad Pennington

    Oct 11, 2009
    So your saying you can't miss watching Gibril miss.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  19. HardKoreXXX

    HardKoreXXX Insensitive to the Touch

    Apr 2, 2008
    Coral Springs, FL
    Meh, I know season ticket holders who go to every game who couldn't name players outside the starters.
  20. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007

    If the fans who don't know the entire roster feel just as bad after a loss and share the same level of passion as the so called die hard who knows every player, college, nfl experience level, season stats, height, weigt, 40 time, cone drill time, vertical leap really that much more of a fan? NO.

    It is about the passion you put forth, not the extent of your knowledge.
    dolfan7171 and dolphindebby like this.
  21. LandShark13

    LandShark13 New Member

    Oct 20, 2009
    North Miami
    There are different degrees of fans. They range from the extremely casual "I just like their uniform" fans to the Fanatic "I know each of the players birthday fans". To me a fan can best be described as a person who lives and dies with his/her team. Win or lose that's the team you root for. You try your best to watch every game (not always possible). You root for them not only when surrounded by other fans of your team but when you are in the minority.
    Colorado Dolfan and dolphindebby like this.
  22. PhinishLine

    PhinishLine Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Exactly. Its like Houdini the way he contorts his body to move into position to miss. Guy is truly talented.
    MikeHoncho likes this.
  23. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    IMO of course, I don't judge people's "level of fan or whatever" until they start acting stupid. To me this isn't a game, this isn't fun. Miami is a way of life to me. I grew up in the 80's in RI, the Pats sucked back then and wasn't like the way it is now TV wise....The Pats weren't on TV, and Miami was, after a while I was like "Dad who is this 13?" I was hooked since then and have endured the ups and downs (like all of us have on here). I can remember being 8 years old with a "13" jersey on for the SB, only to watch pretty boy Montana with 1/2 of Marino's talent trounce them. I cried and threw the jersey across the room, saying to myself, "they will get back there again" ahhhhhh how naive and wrong I was...from that day on the pressure grows, and the anxiety grows with each game. We watch the games together, all my buddies from kindergarten who are all Miami fans at one of brother's house who is a Steeler fan...He is cool in that he roots just as hard for Miami as we do, however would never sell out his Steeler team for us.

    In the end brothers and sisters, if you are on this site like we were the day after Miami lost in Week 17 talking about Miami Dolphins football; regardless of what opinion you have and whether you agree or disagree with it, you are a true fan of this team......
  24. dolphindebby

    dolphindebby Season Ticket Holder Luxury Box

    Nov 26, 2007
    Thank you griddles.

    I, for one, don't know many of the things mentioned. But, don't see why I would not be considered a ''true" fan. That to me is stupid.
    I've loved and watched this team for 30 some years and I can't remember names, numbers etc. Stats and the x's and o's are beyond me. That's why I come to a place like this to get help.
    I'd rather watch the team play, come in here and talk about them and TRY to remember all you guys tell me, than most anything else.
    Here's what I do know for certain: The Miami Dolphins are MY team, their colors are aqua, orange & white, they play football, their coach is Tony Sparano, there are some great, good and bad players on the roster and I love them no matter what!
    Maybe the op was just for comments, but I don't like anyone to say who or what I may be.
    Sorry to rant guys, but who can judge what a "real" fan is?
  25. LandShark13

    LandShark13 New Member

    Oct 20, 2009
    North Miami
    Iv'e read your posts and bet you would meet my "fan" standards.

    I almost wrote I have read your posts and I bet you meet "my" standards but it sounded kinda creepy.....
    dolphindebby likes this.
  26. DaFish

    DaFish Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2007
    Myrtle Beach, SC
    I would even excuse this guy if it was a regular season game but we are talking about an AFC Championship game. How in the hell can you leave your TV when your team is playing in the game that decides whether they go to the Super Bowl or not?
    RGF likes this.
  27. Rhody Phins Fan

    Rhody Phins Fan Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2009
    I think you can be a true fan even if your knowledge is limited. I've met people who don't much more than the key players on their favorite team but who still are furious when they lose.
    dolphindebby likes this.
  28. dolphindebby

    dolphindebby Season Ticket Holder Luxury Box

    Nov 26, 2007
    Nah, not too creepy. :wink2:
    Thanks, Anyone that knows me, knows what a fan I am. My blood runs aqua & orange.:up:
  29. miamiron

    miamiron There's always next year

    Jan 4, 2008
    If you can keep track of there injuries
    your a true fan:wink2:
  30. RGF

    RGF THE FINSTER Club Member

    Nov 24, 2007

    I wouldnt. Sorry,but thats me. I havent missed a game in so long I cant even remember when it was. But,I can assure you it was at least 15 years ago,as a guess. My wife claims it was even longer than that and shes probably right. All my family and friends know that if they plan on having a function of any kind on Dolphin game day, I will NOT attend, its a given. My wife understood this from day one and she`s cool with it. She knows what it means to me.

    Do I know the roster? Sure I do. But,I`m not saying I`m more of a fan than others that dont know it. Fans have their own way of rooting for their team,thats fine. Maybe I am obsessed, but its too late to change now,nor would I want too.

    ......A Colts fan,dressed in his teams garb,and shopping during the AFC championship game?? Sheeesh, cannot fathom that at all. Again,thats just me.
    dolphindebby likes this.
  31. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    I've already told my family when I die they better not have the funeral on Sunday if it's during football season because I won't make it if Miami is playing.

    Shopping while the Dolphins are in the AFC Championship... I can't even begin to wrap my mind around it. Then again the Colts are probably used to it a little bit more than the Dolphin fans, especially those of us without gray hair.

    Far as fans go it's like anything else, there's a whole spectrum that people fall under. I get annoyed with fair-weather and bandwagon fans but it's not worth worrying about too much.
    felly smarts and dolphindebby like this.
  32. jdang307

    jdang307 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    San Diego
    I go out with my lady when Dolphins are on. So what, sometimes life beckons. Sometimes my girl doesn't make me go with her I choose to, because she does the world for me. Doesn't make me less of a Dolphin fan, does it?

    Oh you mean a playoff game? Never. :tongue2:

    Oh, and I can tivo and watch on my phone. But still, it's not the same as live ... :D

    For me, it doesn't matter if you know all 22 starters. Trying to define a fan in that way is foolish. All walks of life we're talking about here. For me, it boils down to one thing, and I don't think anyone can fault it's reasoning.

    If it hurts when the Dolphins lose, you're a fan.
    dolphindebby and Colorado Dolfan like this.
  33. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    Northern California
    That makes it easier to follow training camp and preseason games.

    You should also be able to spit your practice squad roster, too. j/k
  34. jdang307

    jdang307 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    San Diego
    Hey I'm a SFG fan, a true one at that. I go to at least one game every time they come to SD. People can't get over the fact I'm from San Diego and like the Giants and the Dolphins. When the Jets beat the Chargers I wanted the Chargers to win, but once they didn't, I was ok with it because I did not want the Chargers to get a SB before we do :pointlol:
  35. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    I would love to know how you volunteer to miss a Dolphin game though
    i cant do it ever. Being out doing random stuff while the GAME is going on
    that is why i shop on week days during the season :wink2:
  36. xphinfanx

    xphinfanx Stay strong my friends.

    Nov 1, 2009
    My wife wouldn't even think to ask me to miss a Dolphins game. Its more like do the Dolphins play the early or late game today? Keeper huh:pointlol:

    As far as a fan anyone can sport the colors they please. No need to know the roster in alphebitical order forward and backwards. Some of us just follow alot more detail than others.

    I was a Colts fan this week i dont know/// Never mind i know more players on that team to than most people wearing a Colts hat on the street this week.
    dolphindebby likes this.
  37. felly smarts

    felly smarts New Member

    Jun 24, 2008
    LOL! I hear ya. No way, not gonna happen. Put Miami in the AFC Playoffs and being dead isn't a good enough excuse.
  38. Whitedolphin54

    Whitedolphin54 From the land of legends Luxury Box

    Nov 26, 2007
    Somerset UK
    If you are here you are a fan :up:

    The fact that I deceived my Ex wife into thinking I went to work instead of going to a family do, and then returned to watch the Fins game has nothing to do with it. Imagine my surprise when she came back home to pick something up and I had to hide in the shed for a while :lol:
    Starry31 and dolphindebby like this.
  39. late again

    late again Senior Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Someone tells me they're a fan; then guess what? As far as I'm concerned they're a fan.
    No one has the right to dictate criteria for being a sports fan. Let's get real here.
    Coral Reefer and dolphindebby like this.
  40. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    I don't agree actually.

    There are different types of fans.
    I know a girl that has Dolphin curtains and sheets in her home, Dolphin christmas ornaments, dolphin License plate, goes to all the games and cheers her head off. Ask her to name more than a handful of players and it won't happen.

    Just because someone "memorizes" a roster dosen't make them a fan either.
    dolphindebby likes this.

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