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[MERGED] Glazer - Porter ,other players confronted Cameron

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by SICK, Jan 6, 2008.

  1. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    His idea of a players only meeting would probably be soemthing like, OK guys, the vacation you all had in 2007 is over, time to get ur a**** to work or you can follow your ex coach.

    Unfortunately, if San Fran (Assuming thats where he goes) has a great offense, the "mistake" threads will start and we wont be able to put it behind us.
  2. phinphever

    phinphever Punk, Make My Day!!

    Dec 20, 2007
    Ocala, FL
    who cares about Cam anymore? What parcells needs to do is tell these players is NO one gets a free ride. Your gonna earn your spot on this roster. No dogging it, or your gone, period.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2008
  3. emocomputerjock

    emocomputerjock Senior Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    Given the outcome of the situation, I'd say it was Cameron who proved himself to be an *** with his handling of the event in particular, and the team in general.
  4. Roman529

    Roman529 Senior Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Colorado Springs, CO
    I just think it would have been "smarter" to have done this in Cam's office. I know all the players were unhappy with being 1-15, and yes it is frustrating, but Cam was still the coach. It would be the same way as telling your dad to F-Off in front of the family when you have a disagreement....some things you just don't do. I know Joey sometimes lets his emotions get the better of him, and he needs to mature and realize that he only hurts himself when he runs his mouth (or his team when he gets dumb unsportsmanslike penalties).

    The good thing is the season is over, and Cam is gone (good luck to him wherever he ends up). :wave:
  5. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    hes a total *** although he executed and managed his "fail forward fastly" program to perfection
  6. emocomputerjock

    emocomputerjock Senior Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    That's just it though - Cam had so little (if anyone on the team did) faith and respect from his players that the altercation and Porter blowing up afterwards was a logical result. Porter has always been a loudmouth yes, but this sort of thing never happened with Cowher. Frustration from losing aside, Porter's rant on Cameron was the resulf of Cameron not being the coach of the Dolphins - that he was a weak willed spineless coward who cried himself to sleep at night while his wife rubbed his back and thought to herself, "God, I married a loser".*

    * Props to Sabanhater for the quote

    Ugh - while the quote makes sense, that he really did live up to the fail forward portion of it without the implied corrections and improvements makes me sick.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2008
  7. Shamboubou

    Shamboubou Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Sadly nobody should really be treated the way that Cam was treated by any of the player, on the other hand he is the one that needs to step up and let the players know he's in charge. As for getting in the middle of Traylor and Carey that would have been about the dumbest thing he's ever done, but they are right that just him tellin them to sit down and shut up should have been enough to break up the fight. Should be interesting to see who we get in here and what kind of respect he gets from the vets on this team. I think its going to be hard to bring a younger guy in to run this team and get the respect they need from some of the vets on the team. Then again, winning cures all so I dont care who's coaching next year if he's winning there will be no problems.
  8. Some of you are really vicious towards Cam. Do any of you think he did not come here with the best intentions of making the Dolphins a sucess? OK maybe he made some bad decissions and lost control and respect from him players. Maybe he goes to SanFran and moves on to become a sucess. Maybe he fails again wherever he goes. It dosnt matter, fact is, if this report is true, he cant stay here unless he could find a way to win back his players which would be a very difficult task. He had to go, weather you believed in him or not, his time here was finished. I wish him sucess wherever he goes and I am now focused on another new era for the Dolphins, the Bill Parcells regime era.
    taaff likes this.
  9. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    we all wish him success. I havent heard any replies that didnt. what everyone is PO'ed about is the way he handled the team.
  10. Marino1384

    Marino1384 Member

    Dec 8, 2007

    I'm pretty sure Chatman liked him and Lemon must have loved him for even letting him on the field after some of those games.
  11. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    Okay, look. I'm going to explain something to you all. It's obvious the "win now" defense didn't like Cameron because he was going through rebuilding mode. Say what you want, but it was obvious we were rebuilding when we drafted an entirely new offense. You can't decide to rebuild through the season just because you let go of one player, they were "retooling" or whatever. In otherwords, they were "rebuilding", they just wanted to give fans hope. The fact is, you don't hear the offense complaining how Cameron, because they know he's in a rebuilding mode because they are all young. The fact is, this article is purely negative and it's obvious you aren't going to let you see a single light of it all. It's a persuasive article and obviously it's working. I'm sure they had interviews of guys who said the "right thing", but this is FoxSports, not the news. They don't care what's true, they just want you to believe their story. That's the point of this article, to get people to read it, whether it's for the right or wrong reason.

    Was Cameron the right man for the job? I don't know, might have been. Does it really matter now? Not at all. Time to move on...
  12. THCMAN

    THCMAN New Member

    Dec 21, 2007
    Your post reminded me of what substitute elementary teachers must go through.

    Those kids can be monsters if you don't take charge. :taz:

    Cam was getting paid millions, he should have stepped up in the plane. I wasn't there but based on the players reactions there were probably numerous other incidents that all contributed to what happened.

    Where was Capers? Where has Capers BEEN for the last 6 months?

    Have there been any Dom Capers sightings? :(
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2008
  13. phintim

    phintim New Member

    Jan 7, 2008
    Cam was not a bad guy just not an NFL coach. You just cannot loose the team which is what he did he was completely undermined and really needed to move on. Loosing his job at this point was the best thing that could have had happened to him . Porter will either learn to shut up or be gone too with Parcells on board.
  14. dolphindebby

    dolphindebby Season Ticket Holder Luxury Box

    Nov 26, 2007
    Maybe, if the guys, on the team, had put as much energy, ON the field, than they did on the plane and locker room, we might have won some games. IMO I think Cam acted more like a real man that they did. Their acting like spoiled brats, IF all this is true . Cam's gone now, hasn't he been bashed enough?
  15. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    Great point!
  16. THCMAN

    THCMAN New Member

    Dec 21, 2007

    To answer your question with one word....


    We almost set a new record in the history of the NFL for losses. I won't be done bashing him until we have at least won two games. :thumbup:
    (In one season). :lol:
  17. Dolphins13Fan

    Dolphins13Fan New Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    That may be the case, but it was Cam's job as Head Coach to motivate them to channel that energy for on the field.

    As much as we all like to pile on him, I GUARANTEE you not one of them would have made comments like that to Saban. I'm hard pressed to think they would have to Wannstedt too. Difference is, these players had ZERO respect for Cameron.

    Find me the team that doesn't have ego and in-fighting and I'll point you in the direction of the one on my video game console. It doesn't exist.
  18. Dolphins77

    Dolphins77 New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    "A head coach is supposed to stand up and take control with one yell. Cam basically said nothing."

    Are you serious? Is this a preschool field trip? He's not a team babysitter, he's a coach and he's there to coach "professional" football players. These are grown men, not children. Give me a break.
    dolphindebby likes this.
  19. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Patriots? Man I hate them ... Hopefully they lose something and Moss goes off
  20. Dolphins13Fan

    Dolphins13Fan New Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    Moss is the biggest egomaniac of them all. He's keeping his mouth shut now because he's being heavily featured in the offense and the team is winning. If New England was 8-8 and were handing it off to Maroney 40 times a game, he'd be Oakland Randy.
  21. dolphindebby

    dolphindebby Season Ticket Holder Luxury Box

    Nov 26, 2007
    Maybe they did have ZERO respect for Cam, but for all the bashing, all the rumors and all the other junk, we got one win. So, what good does it do? And you can only motivate a bunch of grown men, supposed pros, if they are quiet long enough to hear. I love these guys, always have, but this is the first time in over 30 years that I've heard so much junk going on. You can blame Cam all you want, but the team was ON the field, missing fg's, dropping passes and fumbling. How can all that be his fault? Imo, I think he acted right and didn't sink to the level of the press, fans and team when they went on their rants.
    I'll never give up on this team, but there's just to much talk about all this stuff and no real facts, just press.
    Dolphins77 likes this.
  22. Dolphins13Fan

    Dolphins13Fan New Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    Hey, I hear you. I've time and time again said that Cam was by no means the root of the entire problem. However, he also added nothing to be part of the solution.
  23. Ralphthedog

    Ralphthedog New Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    Just think of this: Cam doesn't yell or scream much, He tries to encourge and not threaten. HE didn't stand up to Wayne with Beck and he didn't stand up to Porter in the meeting. He miss handled the fight. I suspect he handled this with his religious beliefs. Which doesn't work in the NFL. He needed to assume a more type A role and not a nice guy.

    I like Cam and I hope he does well, but he isn't a head coach type. he is a plotter and not leader.
  24. sweeper

    sweeper New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
  25. sweeper

    sweeper New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    the DT in the bottom was the person someone else was talking about earlier but can't seem to find the thread on it. If so, forget dorsey (assuming this Spagoaoaoaoaoaoa guy is a youngster) and it tells why Willis would pile up 18 tackles here n there like it was nothing.

    Get him, then ur options free up a bunch load in the draft time.
  26. Finfangirl

    Finfangirl Season Ticket Holder Luxury Box

    Dec 8, 2007
    Bay Area, Ca
  27. grushcow

    grushcow New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    ive been touting sapoaga, he would pick any 3-4 defense off the ground and hopefully we pick him up as a FA.
  28. New Era

    New Era Waterboy

    Nov 28, 2007
    wow...is right.

    I hate that Cam did not stand up for himself and take control of the team. If for nothing else...himself.

    He never should have done that to Keith...ZT is right 100%. If the actions would have warranted the penalty, chances are the ZT, JT & other leaders of the team would not have said anything. I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back. He might have been able to keep his job for another year. But after, ZT, JT & then PORTER...lol...no way in hell any COACH keeps his job from that. He could never have control of the team.

    I wish nothing but the best for Cam...really I do. I think he might be a good person, calm, quite...just not what the Dolphins need right now. They need an outspoken leader, that takes not crap b/c the Tuna has his back. He might do well with his next team. I hope he does...but WOW!
  29. sweeper

    sweeper New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    ya i woudlnt midn so at all.
  30. sweeper

    sweeper New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    same poitns u pointed out stood out to me as well.
  31. SMOKE

    SMOKE Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    I like Sopaoga as well but don't assume he's a great player. He's a work in progress. Dorsey has a much much brighter future in my opinion. I wouldn't be upset if we sign Sopaoga and draft Chris Long instead, though.
  32. Carabinieri44

    Carabinieri44 New Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    good DT's are easy to find. a guy who can stuff the run, is easy to find.

    good pass rushing DE's who can chase the runningback down and get back into pass coverage when need be, are IMPOSSIBLE to find. Welcome to Miami, Chris Long!!
  33. His'nBeatYour'n

    His'nBeatYour'n Glass Ceiling Repairman

    Dec 10, 2007
    New York
    You don't just pay them to PLAY FOOTBALL. You expect them to be accountable. And you expect them to hold each other accountable, even the head coach.

    Players call each other out all the time. But when they are a classy team, they do so behind closed doors. Not publicly. These incidents occurred behind closed doors and you would have barely heard a peep about it if Cam hadn't been fired.

    What I find very telling is that no one stood up for Cam. If calling out Cam and Mueller was wrong, these incidents should have divided the team. Yet they remained remarkably together throughout the season.
    Cam defenders were citing the fact that this team stayed united throughout this dismal season, as a credit to Cam.
    Perhaps one of the reasons this team didn't fall apart this season was because they were united in their disdain for Cam?
    He may have been the reason they stuck together, but it wasn't a credit to him, it was to spite him. Couldn't Glazer have at least found one "anonymous" quote from Carey defending Cam for kicking Truck off the team?
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2008
  34. phinfan0715

    phinfan0715 New Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    I'm just glad we are starting over, when you lose as many games as we did, you know there has to be problems in the locker room and behind the scenes.
  35. sabanhater

    sabanhater New Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    what's with the "thanks"?
  36. sabanhater

    sabanhater New Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    also, for those who don't want to talk about the past, there are other threads that might suit your needs. it's a new story, and I for one wanted to know how the players really felt about Cam.
  37. dolfaniss

    dolfaniss Junior Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    The problem runs deeper than coaching. I agree getting rid of Cam was a good idea but this collection of babies should make some friggin plays before calling out the head coach. This collection of core players hasn't won jack squat, the Dolphins should be rebuilt from the ground up starting with players who make plays prior to blaming everyone else for the teams shortcomings. Parcells has a tough road ahead of him .

    The coaching was lousy but also our players suck. That's where it all starts and needs to be fixed. With good players even guys like Barry Switzer and George Siefert are winners, with stiffs guys like Cam Cameron don't have a prayer.
  38. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    Seriously, for anyone to think that this division didnt start util week 16 on the plane is fooling themselves. Albeit what is "reported", IMHO this division in the locker room and FO began mid season. The first sign we should have all seen was when the vets and team leaders disagreed with the Ginn pick and the signing of Green. This had the label of diffusion by week 1
    ac_lanham likes this.
  39. evenflow58

    evenflow58 New Member

    Dec 19, 2007
    There's a huge difference between standing up for yourself and acting like a child. Obviously Porter should not have said what he did, but how do you respect somebody that just takes that kind of abuse. Heck, he didn't even have to yell at Porter. All he had to do is tell Porter his job for the day was to stand in the corner because if he's going to act like a child he's going to be treated like a child. When he's done thinking about his actions he can come out and play with the adults. Then you tell the rest of the team to get on the practice field because they obviously need it.

    A coaches job is to find out what makes his players tick. He needs to find out what that player needs to succeed and then provide it. Porter needs somebody to stand up and challange him. That's not a good fit for Cam.

    I like Cam. I think he could be a good coach, but he never really got a shot here. Trying to take over a bad team when fans expect the team to make the playoffs every year no matter what is not easy. Giving that person 1 year to accomplish the task is even tougher. Everybody on this team made mistakes and they need to learn from them.
  40. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    I agree but I if you remember form day 1, Cam was preaching his system and said the coaches need to put the players into a position to be successful. He failed at doing that so I blame the coaching more than the talent. If they tell someone to stack the weak side and the play goes to the strong side noone is going to succeed

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