Would you drop the Chad's for...

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by resnor, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    Ok, so, a buddy of mine is a HUGE Patriots homer. He asked me if right now, if I could get Matt Ryan on the Dolphins, and get rid of Chad Pennington and Chad Henne, would I do it? I said "No." He thinks I'm crazy. So, I'm asking my fellow Phins fans, would you guys do it?
  2. Rocky Raccoon

    Rocky Raccoon Greasepaint Ghost Staff Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    hell no.

    Ryan is going to be a hell of a QB, but the experience and efficiency Pennington has is not only good for the present, but think about what it means for Chad Henne. Who else would you rather have teaching him how to play QB in the NFL? Pennington is the perfect teacher and the leadership and confidence he brings to this team cannot be talked about enough.
  3. Ludacris

    Ludacris Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jan 8, 2008
    No because we found our rookie QB in Henne. Henning said that Henne is right up there with Ryan. I like Henne a lot as a QB but it's still hard to tell with him being in very limited action. I would trust Henning though because he sees him every day in practice. So I would go with that. Ireland seems to believe that they hit on the Henne pick as well and I'm confident in what he says too. personally, I'm very impressed with Henne and I think if he is really up there with Ryan then we got our franchise LT and QB in one draft and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
  4. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Windsor, ON. CANADA
    nope. never. not a chance. absolutely not.
    dolphindebby likes this.
  5. Conuficus

    Conuficus Premium Member Luxury Box

    Dec 8, 2007
    Well away from here
    No, and I'd start examining who I hang out with.
  6. DonShula84

    DonShula84 Moderator Luxury Box

    Jan 3, 2008
    Yes. As good as Henne might be we have no idea what he'll be in reality. We've seen what Matt Ryan can do, so the future wouldnt be as much of a question mark with him at the helm.

    Of course if Pennington is the starter for at least a few more years, and he can play at this level, I'd reconsider.
  7. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    A vet QB and a rookie for a rookie QB?

    Your friend is crazy.
  8. DonShula84

    DonShula84 Moderator Luxury Box

    Jan 3, 2008
    That wouldnt hold true for any vet and any combo of rookies...

    I mean if you were Detroit would you not trade Culpepper and Drew Stanton for Matt Ryan?
  9. FiN.in.RI

    FiN.in.RI Paul pierced through..

    Dec 3, 2007
    the Heart

    The real question should be: What about Matt Cassell?
  10. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    We're not talking about Culpepper. We're talking about Pennington.

    I probably would, though.
  11. FiN.in.RI

    FiN.in.RI Paul pierced through..

    Dec 3, 2007
    the Heart
    What are you talking about. There's nothing crazy about it, you could make a compelling case both ways.
  12. DonShula84

    DonShula84 Moderator Luxury Box

    Jan 3, 2008
    I know who we're talking about. Your comment:

    made it seem like generic rookie/vet for generic rookie was a bad trade. And I'm saying that isnt necessarily true.
  13. FinsAreLife

    FinsAreLife Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    No i would not. No offense to you at all but i feel like its irrelevant to even think about because theres no changing it and we have what we have and we're making the best of it. Ill take both chads any day.
  14. FiN.in.RI

    FiN.in.RI Paul pierced through..

    Dec 3, 2007
    the Heart
    It is irrelevant but who cares, it's just a little harmless, thought provoking theoretical thinking. This is a message board not a classroom. If anything it should merge with the "if you could have any othe qb thread".
  15. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007

    :lol: if we wanted Ryan we would have drafted him.
    azfinfanmang likes this.
  16. Yarg

    Yarg New Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    Fort Myers, FL
    These Fantasy QB Threads are getting old..........
  17. Chad Pennington is not just mentoring Henne on how to be a QB, he is mentoring the whole team on how to sucessfully play football in the NFL.
  18. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    No, but only because I like watching penny yell at the offense in the huddle :lol:
  19. Ludacris

    Ludacris Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jan 8, 2008
    Did you also see him today get in the defensive front seven's huddle on the side line?

    After he converts on 4th down and Carpenter nails the FG, Chad pushes his way where Porter, Holliday and the rest were gathered in a circle along the sideline. Chad then yells at them to get them fired up.

    Guess what happened next? Joey Porter gets a sack and Chad's waving towels with Ginn at the crowd. Awesome stuff...:lol:
    sking29 and unluckyluciano like this.
  20. Vengeful Odin

    Vengeful Odin Norse Mod

    Dec 2, 2007
    Kansas City, MO
    In a word, no.

    Having a veteran QB in the huddle was exactly what this young team needed. Chad's also a student of the game. Having him out there is like having another coach on the field. He's seen and played against all of our division rivals, experience that has proven valuable this season.

    Henne has shown flashes during training camp of what he has the potential to be. He's going to be great when given the chance. More importantly, he gets to watch and learn from a guy who will help him along in his development. Too often we see rookie QBs ignored by the vet guys (see Rogers, Aaron). I don't think that's the case with Henne.

    Ryan looks to be the real deal, no doubt. I just don't see the success he is having in Atlanta translate here in Miami, given the current makeup of our team and what we are asking our quarterback to do.
    Colorado Dolfan likes this.
  21. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    naw I didn't see that, I'm going to request the gifs :pointlol:
  22. I think our team is hungry to get into the post season and nobody is hungrier then chad p.
  23. High Definition

    High Definition No Smoke / No Drink 2011+

    Nov 26, 2007
    South Beach
    Yes. Definitely yes. The opportunity to land Jake Long AND Matt Ryan?

    Come on, guys. QB & LT positions sured up for 10-15 years.
  24. Kdawg954

    Kdawg954 Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Obviously yes . . . really a no brainer. Matt Ryan is proven . . . Chad Henne is not. Matt Ryan is gonna be a stud.

    I like Henne and Chad P, but Matt Ryan is gonna be a good one, i still can't say that yet about Henne, tho I think he may be a good one also.
  25. Georgia Fin

    Georgia Fin Fin For Life

    Nov 25, 2007
    West Georgia
    No. It's too early to call Ryan great. Give teams a year to have game film on him and see if he succeeds then. I still like Long over Ryan, and mind you, he came a hell of a lot cheaper. I mean do you think our run game would be what it is without Long? A solid run game helps ease the introduction of a young QB and Henne will benefit from it when his time comes. Penny was the absolute steal of the year and in no way shape or form would we be where we are today without him. Ryan showed his green yesterday by not managing the clock at the end of the game and throwing the INT. Penny has been calm cool and collective and has overecome his mistakes the majority of the year. Absolutly thrilled with were we are and with who our QB is.:up:
  26. n9necount

    n9necount New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Ugh, that's a tough one. I really love what Chad Pennington is doing for us right now and I like Chad Henne's potential. However, as many of you have already said, Matt Ryan is proven. He is having one hell of a season for a rookie QB. I'm afraid I'd do that deal.
  27. Larryfinfan

    Larryfinfan 17-0...Priceless Club Member

    Cassel is a good QB, but how good would he be with a team that has less talent ?? Seriously, look at the difference in the Pats with and without Brady....Cassel is doing a good job of things, but would any Pats fan (or coach or player on the Pats) not rather have Brady back in there than Cassel ??

    No, we have a different team with different strengths and weaknesses...The team needs a Chad Pennington to run it's offense and be the leader of the team...we don't need Henne or Cassel, even if both are equal in ability...
  28. FiN.in.RI

    FiN.in.RI Paul pierced through..

    Dec 3, 2007
    the Heart
    I have this debate w/my Dad all the time and he gets so pissed.. "There's not THAT much of a drop off b/w Cassel and Brady" System quarterbacks :lol:
  29. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    Pennington is a leader plain and simple and I think he will make a great coach someday. As much credit as this new regime gets for play calling, a new scheme/philosophy, or whatever the best thing they have done was getting Pennington in Miami. Which I thought was a terrible idea when they did it and I am not afraid to admit that.
  30. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Well let's see. Chad Pennington leads game winning drives against Denver. Matt Ryan apparently does not. I know Ryan is younger, but IMHO

    Chad Pennington + Henne > Matt Ryan

    I do think Matt Ryan will be great though. Right now I think the choice is easy. 10 years from now would we answer this question the same way?
  31. Vendigo

    Vendigo German Gigolo Club Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    Love the debate. Seriously doubt that a single proponent of the Chad and Chad are > Ryan would argue the same if he was a Falcons fan. Smell homerism galore.
    gunn34 likes this.
  32. gunn34

    gunn34 I miss Don & Dan

    Jan 5, 2008
    Oviedo FL
    You beat me to it.
  33. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    In a heartbeat. With Ryan, Ginn, Ronnie and Long, the bedrock of our offense would be set for the next 5-7 years.
    That said, Henne may prove to be a very good QB, but Ryan has already proven he can play at a high level in the NFL in just his rookie year.
    Of course, we don't have that choice and I am happy with where we are right now with Penny and Henne.
  34. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    No. I didn't rate Ryan much higher than Henne coming out and I still don't. In the short term, CP is still better than Ryan (both according to the numbers and for this team leadership-wise) and that could be the case for three more years (based on his age and play style).

    GARDENHEAD Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    May 7, 2008
    New Orleans
    A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush.

    Ryan is the bird. He's the real deal. Henne is in the bush. We don't know if he'll be any good. Pennington is the bush itself, he gets the job done, but he's only a bush, he's not a bird. Joe Flacco is a chicken. He could end up as some nice fried chicken, but he could just end up as chicken stock in my thanksgiving stuffing. Brett Favre is a turducken up a tree. He can be amazing (turkey), horribly fatty (duck), or just get the job done (chicken). Dan Marino was an eagle. Ray Lucas was an ostrich...wait, what the hell am I talking about...oh yeah, I'd take Matt Ryan over both Chads. Not sure why so many people feel so strongly that this would be a bad move. Henne might be an eagle, but he also might be an ostrich. Yeah. That's what I meant to say.
    keypusher and aesop like this.
  36. JCowScot

    JCowScot So funky the dead dance

    Mar 22, 2008
    Right now- no. Ryan has a better line and better receivers right now in ATL. That counts for a LOT. They also have a good D and an excellent running game w/ Turner and Norwood. If Ryan were in the same position here, does anyone think that we'd have the same record?? Do you think that he would be lighting the league up like he is?? No, I think not.

    We have no idea what we have in Henne, only that the coaching staff is high on him(we had one of those last year too, remember??) and he has shown flashes of having a big arm and making good decisions. ATL made the same mistake a few years ago, and traded a young backup QB to Green Bay...how did that work out again??:rolleyes: The point being, he could be anything in b/w those two extremes, we just don't know right now which way he's going to go.

    Matt Ryan IS good right now(and he is conceivably going to get better), but he is just as much a product of the players(and coaches) around him as he is his own talent and leadership. Miami doesn't have the same level of talent or consistency from key offensive positions to warrant a fantasy trade such as this, or to think that we would be better off if that was the case. I just don't think it would be as good for us(or Ryan) as one would think, both in the short and long term.

    No homerism there, Ven.:wink2:
  37. Vendigo

    Vendigo German Gigolo Club Member

    Nov 30, 2007

    Tell me with a straight face you'd trade Matt Ryan for Pennington and Henne if you were a Falcons fan :wink2:

    Matt Ryan looks every bit like the franchise QB I thought he'd never be prior to the draft. You sell your grandma to get one of those. Sure, Pennington might just be the better option if you want to make the playoffs in 2008 (2009 I'm not so sure) but I'd gladly sacrifice one PO appearance for a 23 year old franchise QB.

    GARDENHEAD Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    May 7, 2008
    New Orleans
    Hahahaha! Excellent point! If you polled 100 Falcons fans, every single one would not only say no to that trade, but they'd laugh in your face.
  39. JCowScot

    JCowScot So funky the dead dance

    Mar 22, 2008
    No, b/c he's doing well with what they have. Of course I wouldn't. My point was, we don't have as good a supporting cast to say that Ryan would look like a 23 year old franchise QB here. He could've ended up looking like JB last year. I just don't think he'd look anywhere near as good here as he does in ATL, b/c we don't have the talent. Sorry.

    *And no, I wouldn't sell my oma for a franchise QB- especially one from BC!:tongue2:
  40. Vendigo

    Vendigo German Gigolo Club Member

    Nov 30, 2007

    Actually I don't think they have far superior talent than us. It's pretty much even I would say. They got Roddy White, we got a better RB and TE corps, lines are pretty even. I don't see why Ryan would do worse here than he's doing in Atlanta right now. Actually, it works the other way round: Ryan is currently making a mediocre Atlanta team look good.

    I'd sell your oma for a franchise QB in a heartbeat :tongue2:

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