At the end of the season, where will this team rank in Dolphins history

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Unlucky 13, Nov 3, 2021.

  1. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    Obviously, this season hasn't gone the way that any of us would have liked, with the team crashing and burning to a 1-7 record after eight games. But the stats back up that the team is every bit that bad.

    -This year's team has scored fewer points and gained fewer yards than the 2007 team did through eight games, when they were 0-8.

    -They have allowed more yardage through eight games than the 2019 team did, also at 1-7. That team, to this point, had the worst defense in team history by that count.

    -And while they've scored more points through eight games than the 2004 team did (also 1-7 through eight games), they've allowed far more points and more yardage than that year's team did.

    So at the end, will this one end up being better than any of those? They are the only Dolphins teams since 1970 to finish with fewer than six wins, and I just struggle to see this team going 5-4 over the rest of the year to get to six.
  2. Rouk

    Rouk Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    Hollywood, Florida
    We have a soft schedule coming up so i dunno but front office wise this has to be up there with biggest joke in dolphins history.
  3. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    We've already lost to two of the worst teams in the league in Atlanta and Jacksonville, and neither of those was a true road game. We also lost to a Colts team that was struggling and injured at home.

    Amazingly, Houston is worse than Miami in every important statistic. It takes something to be able to say that to a team thats bottom four in points, points allowed, yards and yards allowed, and has only one win! This could be, on paper, one of the worst games in recent NFL history. Up there with our 3-11 vs 3-11 matchup with the Browns at the end of the 2004 season.
  4. Deus ex dolphin

    Deus ex dolphin Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Texans, Jets at home, and maybe the Giants? A 4-13 season, without the draft pick that normally comes with it. Just brutal.

    I have zero faith that Grier and Flores can turn things around in 2022. Clean house, start another rebuild. Sadly, I think Ross is determined to get Watson, and only a desperate GM and head coach will agree with a plan like that. It buys them at least another year and maybe two, but will leave the biggest disaster of a team in Miami history in all probability.
  5. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    This is the worst coached team in Dolphins history. Not the worst, talent-wise, but definitely the poorest coaching.
    KeyFin, Daytona Fin and Phin McCool like this.
  6. Fishhead

    Fishhead Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    After last season, I wouldn’t have thought to see a statement like this, much less agree with it. I will add that, thanks to Grier, it is built the poorest, as well.
    Rick 1966 likes this.
  7. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    We have a shot at matching the 1-15 team, though I'd expect a few wins going forward starting with Houston.

    We are underplaying our talent, but also have severe flaws in the way this team was built. We aren't a 1-16 team, and we SHOULD be better than the likely 4-5 wins we end up with, but between the roster flaws and poor coaching this team is a massive disappointment. We SHOULD be replacing both Grier and Flores, but I have a feeling that both still have the ear of Ross.

    It's hard not to see us pursue Watson or a different non-Tua QB in the offseason, so I guess any kind of reloading starts there. But looking at how this current regime treats players, I can't fathom why anyone would want to come play here aside from overpaying them or taking chances on high risk players (which has worked wonderfully).

    Personally, considering the lack of elite QB talent in the draft, I'd just as well stick with Tua unless there is an underlying flaw that the FO knows for sure cannot and will not be fixed. Like people comment on the arm strength, but that wasn't really an issue at Alabama - can he build it back up, or is that something that's just lost? It's probably from a combo of lingering hip and just not playing/throwing frequently for a year +.

    But fix the OL firstly, redo the WR group and maybe get a top flight back and see what happens. Hope that defensively you stay healthier and that your "paid like top 5 elite CB duo" actually play like elite top 5 CBs. You also have to find an offensive guru with a successful playcalling and gameplanning track record to helm the OC spot with autonomy.
  8. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I think in my pre-season review I picked us to be an 11-win team.

    And if we're being 100% honest here, we're not far off from being that team. We've lost 4 by one score and that should have been 5 after the 2nd Bills game (they got a TD in garbage time off the Tua desperation heave). We did get blown out twice by top teams, but we always seem to get blown out once or twice each year. We just can't close out ballgames.

    The difference between a good team and a great team is how they finish. Last year, we just found a way to win late in the 4th quarter over and over again. This year, we can't seem to do that...the defense collapses, the offense stutters. We're playing two or three really competitive quarters and then find a way to self-destruct.

    I mean, just look at the Titans. For three years now, it feels like they're losing almost every game going into the 4th quarter. We don't call them a lousy team though because on a wing and a prayer, they claw their way back into games through great D and an explosive offense. The Titans are a great team because of it.

    We could still turn this season around and make it respectable- I feel like we're pretty close and players are playing hard. But it's that one thing, that "it factor", that we just don't seem to have this season. Maybe it's the lack of leadership, or the lack of competent's very hard to put a finger on. But this is not a bad team. They just don't know how to close out games.
  9. cbrad

    cbrad .

    Dec 21, 2014
    We lost 4 by one score, but we also lost 4 by 10+ points. The average margin of victory for this team is -11.9, which is the worst in franchise history since 1970 (2nd worst ever if you go back to pre-merger where we had a -13.4 in 1967). That's almost exactly where our 2019 team ended up: -11.8, and even 2007 was better at -10.6. After W/L that's the most important statistic, so yes we are a bad team, pretty close to where our record says we are. No sugarcoating this.

    Also, the ability to close out ballgames is a hallmark of a well coached team. The fact we can't do this points the finger at coaching more than anything else. It's clearly not talent if you can hang in the game for 3 quarters.
    KeyFin and MikeHoncho like this.
  10. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Below 2007, no matter what the final record ends up being.
    Unlucky 13 likes this.
  11. mlb1399

    mlb1399 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2010
    A lot of different ways to say they’re a turd. They’re going on the shelf of turds that this organization has put up over the last 2 decades. It’s always a different way but still the same turd.
    JJ_79 likes this.
  12. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    This team will go down in Dolphins history as one of the most disappointing teams. Everyone had us picked as playoff contenders. The course was set from 2 previous years, the talent was allegedly there, it was just assumed we would be taking that next step.

    Somewhere along the way, the wheels just fell off. It’s not like we lost a star player we were absolutely dependent on. It’s more like the glue used to hold it all together just melted away
  13. Kud_II

    Kud_II Realist Division

    Oct 15, 2011
    Seneca, SC
    Management + Coaching nightmare = no light at the end of the tunnel. This is worse than 1-15 to me.. There's literally no light at the end of the Tunnel. Our best offensive player is a free agent, whom we should franchise tag. We'll save more doing that than an open bidding war, w/ TE being an ever higher valued position. Course it would be nice to resign Ogbah too, but who knows. The few good players we have could be gone.

    I'm mentally preparing already for another losing season in 2022. There is no way we can fix half problems in one offseason. Grier had 2 top draft capital drafts of all time, and we're probably worse than before those drafts. He is the main darkness on this squad, that Grier. And I'm telling you he's not going to be fired, cause we also have the dumbest owner in the league.

    Thanks to Chris Grier and Stephen Ross not only did this team lose the race to Buffalo for the new AFCE crown... They turned us into basement dwellers, where our biggest successes going forward is only 'can we have a better record than the Jets' for the next, Lord knows how long.

    As long as Grier is running things we're screwed. I think he's Ross' little pet, that's why I think hew won't be fired. He was the only one to survive the last purge.
  14. ExplosionsInDaSky

    ExplosionsInDaSky Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    We're looking at another rebuild, and we have a quarterback that has the entire fan base divided right down the middle. From a leadership standpoint, I'd say the situation is WOAT level at this point in most of our minds. I'm probably more positive than some people. I like this team no matter what is going on. I've been following them for over thirty years. The Miami Dolphins are like my wife at this point. I'm with them no matter through thick and thin lol. I will say that this time, I don't believe it's the actual roster that's the problem. It's the ones in charge.

    I think our current problems start from the top down. Stephen Ross is a kid at a carnival. Show him a big balloon and that's all he fixates on. The dude gets straight caught up in those Pennywise deadlights and stays there. This time, the balloon is Deshaun Watson. You'd think he'd learn at this point from the Mike Wallace signing, the Suh signing, but no...He stays stupid.
    Chris Grier is beyond arrogant! I truly believe he's either got pictures of Stephen Ross doing bad things or he's just manipulated his way into the position of GM by kissing his ***. I don't know which one it is, but Grier belongs elsewhere in this world. He's been piss poor at his job. He's drafted players based on his emotion if that makes sense. Rather than looking for football players, he seems to be more focused on adding players that mesh with his personal views and ideologies. I think Ross has the same problem. At the end of the day, personal differences need to be put aside and the bigger picture has to be the focus. They seem to be trying to create a family environment as opposed to a flourishing winning environment. Sadly, a lot of businesses suffer from this exact type of thing. This is just speculative on my part and I could be way off, but that's what I think is going on.

    As for Brian Flores, I think he caught the "Patriot Way" fever. It seemed to be working at first, and we had a lot of veteran leaders on this roster just last season that were making me a believer, but he's got in his own way with the decisions he's made and it's bit him in the ***. Some of the comments like "I wanted Justin Herbert" are things that should not be open to the public. I believe his heart is in the right place, but he doesn't seem to have command of these players. I think he's realizing just how hard it is to be a head coach in the NFL. You have to be a leader, guys have to want to follow you and trust you. I think the nail in his coffin has been how atrocious the defense has been. I thought with him being a defensive guy, our last worry would be the defensive side of the ball. Here we are halfway through this season and a child could run through this front line. It's not for lack of trying either because we've invested a lot in the trenches on both sides. How we can be this bad defensively is beyond fathomable! This was supposed to be his skill. Sadly, I think Flores is Matt Patricia 2.0. He wont last much longer.

    Lastly, the offensive coordinators...I don't get it. We axe O'Shae after he shows big time promise, then we run Gailey off. Nobody else wants the job because we're constantly backstabbing the people that help us, and now we're reduced to co-parenting offensive coordinators! Again, how childish does this need to be? Are there safe spaces for each coordinator when things go wrong? How many do we have? Three?

    Bottom line is I think Grier needs to go. I think Flores is unfortunately tied to Grier. They've both made some awful choices with the roster. I thought cutting Van Noy, and some of the other veteran players was a vicious move on their part. Again, more backstabbing. That wasn't the right time to do those things in my opinion. We weren't ready and it shows. No leadership, no structure, no accountability and that falls on the three stooges running things. A month ago, I felt differently about it, but this is ongoing. We're looking at a three win season right now and no draft pick....Well...We'll have the San Fran one which will land somewhere in the middle of the first round! YAY! We get a treadmill team draft pick while being a bottom dweller. Again, Grier getting cute in the draft sunk us big time.
  15. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    The more I think about it, the more I think it's too soon to tell. If we end the year 1-16, then yeah, burn it all down. But if we get a little win streak here in the weakest part of our schedule, steal a game or two and beat other teams we're supposed to beat, six or seven wins might be enough to convince Ross to go another year.

    I honestly think that he's committed to Grier/Flores and not ready to throw in the towel yet, so we'll have to see. Remember, he asked Gase to stay after his final season as well- what was that? 6 or 7 wins? So it seems like it takes a lot for Ross to pull the trigger.
  16. Daytona Fin

    Daytona Fin Active Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Daytona Beach
    That would put them at 22-23 wins (17 game schedule this year). Gase had 23 and it would be even less than Philbin and Sparano. Since Ross took over 3 years has been the measuring stick for coaches, though he let Philbin have a go at a 4th. I highly doubt a late season run on a bunch of crappy teams will deter a cleansing, unless they are completely dominating the games which is very unlikely considering our point differential the last 3 years.
    KeyFin likes this.

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