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Got Chantix, and am quitting smoking....

Discussion in 'Outreach Forum' started by finyank13, Jun 28, 2010.

  1. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    Thats what I am talking about bro.....good job:up:

    .....this is the only side effect I have had.....I notice I am sluggish more in the morning, and tired more in general....entering third week of using medicine....still havent light up since the 8th day....going to the casino tonight though, they smoke in there....:cry:
  2. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    I have a general question in this vein. Is fatigue a side effect of the drug or is the body adjusting to the lack of nicotine which is chemically a stimulant? I don't have an answer and just wonder.
  3. anditsgood

    anditsgood Active Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    i think thats more of the withdrawal effect than a side effect

    and good luck

    going to foxwoods or mohegan?
  4. anditsgood

    anditsgood Active Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    im thinking its more of withdrawals than side effects
    finyank13 likes this.
  5. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    That is what I was wondering. Anyone out there with a scientific answer?
    finyank13 likes this.
  6. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    this one.......and I think you are right it is more the body withdrawing from the nicotine.....
  7. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    Whatever it is, I continue to wish you well in your efforts.
    finyank13 likes this.
  8. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010

    Thanks OPP, I think I'm good, just have to mantain...
    siciliansith and Ohiophinphan like this.
  9. siciliansith

    siciliansith Resident Deviant

    Nov 25, 2007
    Rochester NY
    wish you the best! Keep up the good work.

    I have smoked heavily for the last 10 yrs and was a smoker for 20. Im looking to quit and this thread rocks. Thank you for sharing!
    Ohiophinphan and finyank13 like this.
  10. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    No problem, Holy crap bro you started at 16?!?!?! Talk to your doctor about it, ask him for coupons to cover the cost of it, or the co-pay for the first months subsrciption at least. They give you a choice to enroll, in this free monitoring program put on by Pfizer, when you active the coupon. I did just to see what it is all about, it is mostly tips, and bodily facts like you body goes through such and such after 10 days without nicotine, however it gives you a coupons for the second months subscription as well.....thats really big!! Go ask!!
    siciliansith and Ohiophinphan like this.
  11. siciliansith

    siciliansith Resident Deviant

    Nov 25, 2007
    Rochester NY
    Thanks for the tips i'll really check that out :knucks:
    finyank13 likes this.
  12. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    Just knocked down a month on the 8th...The first 2 weeks were awful, I wanted to choke somebody, but it has been better. The need is still there sometimes, but it is easier to deal with, and less frequent. I stopped taking the drug after 2 weeks FYI....From here I believe it will be smooth sailing, not getting tripped up like last time..however I will always be mindful that I failed once and I could do so again..

    I just want to thank everybody on here for support in the beginning of this thing, I probably wont post on here anymore unless somebody has a question or whatever, as again there are real problems on here.

    Thanks again!
    Tone_E, texanphinatic, alen1 and 3 others like this.
  13. FinsPensFan

    FinsPensFan Professional Slacker

    Dec 21, 2007
    Wheeling, WV
    I have a prescription...I just need to get the willpower to fill the damn thing.
    finyank13 likes this.
  14. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    Do it!!!! FinYank shouuld be a positive role model for you!
  15. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    Thing is bro you can fill it at any time, they dont go bad, just fill it and keep it somewhere, so when you want to quit you can start right then and there....

    If you dont fill it, you could potentially put off quitting for a day or 2, because filling it could be "time consuming"...

    All I'm saying is bro, it seems like a obstacle you could never get over, as I did (granted it has only been a month) but it isnt so bad....yes it is tough in the very beginning but the drug helps alot...ALOT!!!:knucks:
    FinsPensFan and Ohiophinphan like this.
  16. FinsPensFan

    FinsPensFan Professional Slacker

    Dec 21, 2007
    Wheeling, WV
    I started taking the Chantix two weeks ago tomorrow. I have not smoked since last Tuesday. It works.
  17. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    awesome my friend awesome....I got 3 months on Oct 8th....:up:
    Tone_E, Ohiophinphan and FinsPensFan like this.
  18. FinsPensFan

    FinsPensFan Professional Slacker

    Dec 21, 2007
    Wheeling, WV
    When did you stop taking the pills?
  19. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    after a month...you get that good month down bro, and you are all set....dont get me wrong the urge is still there sometimes, but not like 1-2 weeks....if you are getting by with the meds now, u will be just fine after a month without it...keep it up....I notice more money in my account hahaha
  20. FinsPensFan

    FinsPensFan Professional Slacker

    Dec 21, 2007
    Wheeling, WV
    Besides the health issue, that is why I decided to quit. The girlfriend and I were spending over $400+ a month for cigarettes.
    finyank13 likes this.
  21. FinsPensFan

    FinsPensFan Professional Slacker

    Dec 21, 2007
    Wheeling, WV
    Well, its been three weeks and two days as a non-smoker. If anyone is on the fence about this, please give it a shot. It really works.
  22. anditsgood

    anditsgood Active Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    i got 31 months

    way to go bro
    Tone_E and finyank13 like this.
  23. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    yeah the stuff does work well....good job my friend

    hahahah you are like ancient news in the world of quitting...
    anditsgood likes this.
  24. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    I don't smoke at work anymore, and I can have one any time I want. I don't even smoke at home during the evening, just during my nights out and weekends. All cold turkey.

    That is good progress for me, but when I'm out with a beer in my hand and or watching a Dolphin game, i don't hesitate to spark up. :)

    I think I am on my way to cutting even further. Baby steps right?
    finyank13 likes this.
  25. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    You were the one who said you didnt have any ambition to quit a months back right?? I am being lazy I dont feel like looking through all the pages :lol:
  26. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    My goal is to be a social smoker. Unfortunately, I find myself in too many social environments as of now. :lol: Really though, I want to maintain my current life style, just quite the smoking and keep it occasional.

    I'm making progress. I gotta quit, I feel it. I play hockey 2-4 nights a week and when I was younger, I could manage both, but smoking is really taking a toll on my lately - I just turned 30 this month.

    Eventually we all have to quite, the sooner the better.

    Best of luck to all here making great progress, keep it up. :up:
  27. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    hahah yep you are....!! Good job bro...you are more than taking baby steps...eventually you'll find you wont even want it anymore....I must admit though I definately crave one when in a bar...thank God, where I live it is illegal to smoke in bars or restaurants...
  28. King Felix

    King Felix Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    i saw some commercial on tv about chantix and how it's a risk to take, i only caught the end of it...
  29. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    All meds have risks. Especially ones which influence behavior. That's why you need to take things under a doctor's care and report any "odd" thoughts immediately.
    Celtkin likes this.
  30. Fishweiser

    Fishweiser New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Well, Today is my 1 year anniversery of being a non-smoker!! I tried several times prior to this attempt at quitting, and Ive tried several different methods. Ive tried the patch, the gum, chantix and even herbal remedys, and was unsuccessful. What worked for me?? ...Shame!! ....I quit and restarted so many times, that my freinds and family lost faith in me and pretty much laughed at me when I said I was going to quit. It was pretty rediculus, so the desire to regain some faith and dignity was just one more thing to help motivate me, and it was just enough to push me through it all!! I quit cold turkey, 1 year ago and havent had a puff since!!

    For anybody quitting or planning on quitting, Id advise to look for some extra motivation outside the normal "Quit for health, or save money, etc". Also, chantix, the patch, nicotine gum etc will definately help with the cravings. The only thing is,.....taking on the cravings is what quitting is all about!! ....Quitting cold turkey reminds me of a sort of battle. You gotta take on all the urges, cravings and temptations head on and go the full 12 rounds with it. It may sound a little silly, but each time I made it through all my urges, thats how I looked at it "WOOHOO!! I faced it the temptaion and kicked its A$$!!". It really got me kind of pumped up about it, so much so...I even got a little cocky with it actually wanting to face it head on!! A week into it, I went to a bar where smoking was still allowed, just dareing the temptations to try my iron will I built up for myself. I drank, ate, and had a good time. The urges were crazy strong, but there was a sort of pride building up in me the whole time, because I knew I was stronger. ...........I think from that point on, I really felt like I could beat any temptation after that. ...It didnt take long till the battles became easier to win, and eventually it became hardly noticable. .....Today, after a full year, I still get urges that can be pretty tempting at times, but they about as easy to fend off as it would to fend off a craving for a peice of candy. .......

    I read somewhere that it takes around two years to really kick the habit. Im only one year into it, and feel really confident that ill never pick up another....not after all Ive been through, and it would be a groin kick to my pride if I did!!
    ascii, Celtkin, finyank13 and 2 others like this.
  31. ascii

    ascii People Watcher

    Nov 27, 2007
    Etters, Pa
    Congratz on the year!

    I'm on Day 2 with the patch. FML is about how I feel ATM. It's not so much the physical cravings as the mental aspect. I drive, I smoke. I eat, I smoke. Bed time? Smoke first. Wake up, coffee and smoke. Somehow trying to replace the habit is more of a struggle than the habit itself. Any suggestions for that? I've got gum/candy but my jaw isn't going to last another day or so.
  32. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    Last entry......

    1 year down on July 6th....never felt better, more energy, easier to wake up, I run close to 2.5 miles 5 of 7 days a week.....and it is getting easier and easier to breathe, and recover......still to this day though when I lay on my back, I start to get congested...I can hear the fluid in my lungs still......anyway urge is gone, I can go into a bar, and want but really don't....

    Stick with it for those who have tried, and are trying......Good Luck everybody!
    Tone_E and Ohiophinphan like this.
  33. Fishweiser

    Fishweiser New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Congrats Finyank13!! This comming November 3rd will be year number two for me. Ive read somewhere that the 2 year mark is considered the point to where you are no longer "quiting" and are truely a non-smoker. I dont remember exactly where I read it, but the reasoning for it being the 2 year mark, is that rate of which people start back smoking reaches its most minimal. I read this like 6 months after my last cigarette and used it as motivation to reach another goal, so I figured you might be able to do the same.

    Another thing that keeps me motivated is Nightmares!! LOL!!.....I dont know exactly when they started, but at some point in the last 6-8 months, I get recurring nightmares that I end up breaking down and smoking again. Its usually where I dream that I wake up after a night of heavy drinking with some buddys, and vaguely recall that I smoked a cigarette. When I go through my pockets, Ive found that I not only smoked 1 cigarette, I went and bought a full pack and smoked half of them during the night as well. Its like the most disappointing thing ever, and I so want to kick my own ***!! LOL!!...Of course when I do wake up and realise that the whole thing was a dream, I feel much better....but the memory of the dream sticks with me and reminds me each and every time I get the slightest urge of how bad it would suck If I actually did break down and smoked after so long....Id be curious if anyone else here whos gone a year or more without smokeing gets similar dreams as well......
    finyank13 likes this.
  34. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    I did with weed to be honest, now I havent smoked weed since 1999 when I entered the military but there were definately times were I had dreams that I did, and had a test or something....I bet I will feel the same way with cigs...

    Good job on the 2yr anny, and I look forward to getting to that plateau....see I know I will stay quit because simply I cant afford them...hahahah

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