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Let's FIRE everyone!!! We deserve a crap team!

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by psingh01, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. psingh01

    psingh01 New Member

    Dec 13, 2007
    I'm sick of "Dolfans" constantly *****ing and wanting to fire someone. You guys want nothing but ENDLESS CHANGE for this team. You started out by running Shula out of town. You wanted to run Marino out of town how many times? You ran Wanny out of town (a guy who has had to most success here besides Shula). Now you want to run Cam out. Yeah we suck this year. Yea he's made coaching mistakes, but I prefer Cam 100% than some scumbag like Nick Saban or Petrino.

    This team is bad. The one thing it DESPERATELY NEEDS is patience and time. I believe the 2007 draft was a successful one. The players will learn and grow just like our coach.

    Bring in new people and they will do one thing, tear down what little we have and start over. Then when we suck again next year these same "fans" will be calling for more change.

  2. Kudda

    Kudda Banned Troll

    Dec 1, 2007
    This team needs to establish a foundation before we can have stability. The fact that we get worse every year, and see little to no improvement is proof enough to me we havent discovered that foundation yet.

    Until we do a better job hiring we're going to have to keep on firing.
  3. psingh01

    psingh01 New Member

    Dec 13, 2007
    How do you know that these guys aren't the guys? You think bringing in someone like Parcells who will only last like 2 years if he ever coaches again is the right move? Imagine if JJ was run out of Dallas after 1-15?

    Everyone is a genius with hindsight, but when I see suggestions for guys like Dennis Green? Some other OC with no HC experience? I just see people wanting change for change's sake. Fire away and we'll end up with a joke of a franchise like the Marlins and not just a joke of a season.
  4. Dominizzo

    Dominizzo New Member

    Dec 12, 2007
    were 3-4 years from contending!!!
  5. Kudda

    Kudda Banned Troll

    Dec 1, 2007
    I know.. as far as Cam is concerned, all it took was to view his incompetance with his personnel decisions and in game decisions, coupled with his emotionless approach, it was pretty easy for me to come to the conclusion that he's not right for the dolphins.
  6. psingh01

    psingh01 New Member

    Dec 13, 2007
    Emotion? That is ridiculous. How much emotion does Tony Dungy show?
  7. zach8111

    zach8111 New Member

    Dec 5, 2007
    wow i dont think i could agree more with you on this one. you hit the nail right on the head. i have been saying this since this firing cam thing started.
  8. EdNorton

    EdNorton New Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    There is nothing to build on:(

    Can they run the ball?
    Can they pass?
    Can they stop the run?
    Can they stop the pass?

    Well maybe they can stop the pass on paper becuase most teams are too busy jamming the ball down their throat. I've spent 26 years watching this team and I have never seen anything even close to this bad. It took a lot of mis-management to get this bad in previous years I realize that but with Camoron its getting worse.
  9. fishyanks

    fishyanks New Member

    Dec 5, 2007
    They have proved that they absolutely can run the ball when they are not reduced to free agent garbage rb's like Gado and even he was able to effectively run the ball.
  10. Vertical Limit

    Vertical Limit Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    People who support Cameron are the same ones who kept saying "Saban isn't going anywhere". Then when Saban leaves, they come back and talk **** about Saban, calling him a liar, a snake and everything, when just about anyone with eyes saw he would not be coaching for us in 2007. These are the same people who supported Wannstedt 100% thinking he was the right coach for this team.

    Dolfans love dissapointment. They love this pathetic season and they love to give more chances than coaches deserve. I swear, it's like you're all related to Huizenga, or perhaps he drugged your soft drinks at the stadium to turn you into him.

    If Cameron has a plan, then what the hell is it? Because right now, he inherited a rebuilding team from Saban and he put it back to rock bottom [2004]. He would need to restart the whole rebuilding process again in 2008. No no no no, get a new coach, that can actually show some type of progress or sign that there will be better seasons coming in the future. Tanking it in doesn't show crap.
  11. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007

    This post is inaccurate and reactionary. From top to bottom.

    I supported Saban, was upset that he left, but i understand why, and don't hate him for it. I never supported Wannidiot, didn't even want him hired. I am supporting Cam, however. So that shows you're theory is inaccurate.

    All teams have fans that complain, (which you were doing, by the way) and ones that have level heads, and one that are kool-aid drinkers. There isn't some vortex that pulls annoying fans to Miami. That's why you're theory is reactionary.

    Saban didn't start rebuilding the team, so how is possible that Cam inherited one from him? Cam also doesn't have to start over in 2008, because it has already begun it would just be a continuation. In fact, a new coach, would have to start the whole process over. Also, your asking for progress (presumably in the W-L record) while rebuilding. This means that, clearly, you don't understand what rebuilding means. That's why your theory is inaccurate and reactionary.
  12. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    This stuff is painful, no doubt about it, we have merely delayed it for 2years now, we are hip deep in the rebuilding process with the #1 pick in the NFL.

    The question is really, "Is Cam the guy to rebuild the Fins"?

    And BTW, Both Dungy and Lubby Smith inherited teams loaded with talent, the Bears due to the Wanny hangover, and Dungy had Manning and Edge and Harrison already in place.

    WE have Ronnie and Ted Ginn in place, but so far no QB to take advantage of them when they are in the lineup..
  13. schmolioot

    schmolioot Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Perfect post Padre. We all agree that we are rebuilding. We all agree that it needs to happen.

    What we don't agree on is whether or not Cam is the right guy to do the rebuilding.

    Lots of teams have had to rebuild. None of them have had a winless season. just because you're rebuilding does not mean that you are excused from winning games or instilling a winning attitude in your team.

    Padre and I discussed the "culture of losing" in a few other threads and I think it's applicable here. Regardless of whether Cam is 100%, 50% or 10% responsible for this team's record (I refuse to believe that he shoulders 0% of the blame). If you make excuses or give reasons why failing to win a game is acceptable then it becomes acceptable to the team as well.

    There is a distinct lack of accountability on this team. I posted in another thread that Cam lost me when he failed to hold Greg Camarillo accountable for the holding penalty that probably cost us the win against Buffalo. Whether it was a bad call or not is irrelevant. A coach who expects to win and wants to instill winning as a value would go into the locker room after that game and tell Camarillo to pack his locker, turn in his playbook and get the hell out.

    Cam could have done this with ZERO risk. There are dozens of street free agent receivers who could provide exactly what Camarillo is providing (which is nothing) and he would have shown his team that they are going to be held accountable and that no matter our talent level or injuries, winning is the goal each and every week.

    Rant over. Sorry for the long post.
  14. dolphins26

    dolphins26 New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    AMEN to the guy who started this thread. Sometimes I honestly feel that both the fans in this town and the radio personalities that perpetuate this nonsense deserve less than the Dolphins, a class organization with a class owner who spends money and has made mistakes and who is now really trying to do things the right way. You people who think that the Dolphins should fire everyone are the same element that deserve the Florida Marlins, in other words you all show NO LOYALTY and deserve NONE. You get it anyways though, because this Dolphins team doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the people who stand by it NO MATTER WHAT.

    Give them time. Thankfully, I think I know how Wayne thinks, and he won't be swayed by the idiots who swear by the quick fix and "FIRE EVERYONE" method. Go root for the Raiders and Al Davis, you are not wanted here. He has a plan, he has his man, and he will see it through....IN SPITE OF SOME OF YOU.

    If you are a sensible, thinking, loyal Miami Dolphins fan, this does NOT APPLY to you, as we are on the same team....:ffic:
  15. Waldop

    Waldop New Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    Miramar, FL
    :thumbup1: Thank you...
  16. schmolioot

    schmolioot Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Give me a break dolphins 26, we all love the dolphins. That's why we're here.

    Just b/c some of us don't agree that Cam is the right guy doesn't make us any less of a fan. I've stated in the past that I'd love to be wrong about Cam. That would mean the fins were winning, which is what I want.

    I really could care less who the coach is.
  17. dolphins26

    dolphins26 New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    sorry if i got a lil emotional, its just that we haven't had stabilty in a while, and stability was the common denominator whenever we've had success in the past. I don't LOVE cam cameron or his draft picks yet. But i'm tired of getting other teams re-treaded players and constant mediocrity that arises from people being afraid to endure what we are now going through. These are the growing pains, and without them, you simply can't grow....
  18. schmolioot

    schmolioot Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    The response was nothing personal bro. I just hate when people pull the "You're not a real fan" stuff.

    I agree stability is important. I'm just not sure we want to be stable with this guy, lol.
  19. Texphinphan

    Texphinphan Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 25, 2007
    Dave Wannstedt 1999 (asst head coach) - 2004. That is stable in NFL terms.

    Some times stability for stabilities' sake is not a good thing.
  20. burger13

    burger13 New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    South Jersey

    like another year of Cam? another WINLESS season perhaps?
  21. dolfan32323

    dolfan32323 ty xphinfanx

    Nov 27, 2007
    Washington DC
    People want change cause the team sucks in case you didn't notice...
  22. Bonedoc7777

    Bonedoc7777 New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    clean house
  23. Dtronic

    Dtronic Season Tickets Sec. 150

    Dec 7, 2007
    Cape Coral FL
    You said it. In the real world people get fired when they don't do their jobs.
  24. psingh01

    psingh01 New Member

    Dec 13, 2007
    How much change have we had in the last 3 years? Incase you haven't noticed the only constant here is change. That and the steady decline of the team. So what the hell, let's keep changing. The next coach will go 2-14 and we'll change him too. Bring in a new guy every year and with it a new system. One of them will stick.....yeah, that is just what we need.

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