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New Water Park to open next to Sun Life Stadium

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by DolfanJake, Aug 19, 2010.

  1. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami

    I just don't see that area supporting a quality tourist attraction. It's so far off the beaten path of tourism in S. FL. and such a bad neighborhood.
    Maybe all this will turn the area around but I don't see it.
    I like Ross' vision but I don't think he's going to succeed with it sticking with Sun Life stadium and sticking with the current location.

    If Ross had all these plans to make an entire complex and tourism area around a stadium in S. FL. Ross would have been better off just planning to build a new one in a better location.

    I think these plans effectively kill anyone hoping for a new stadium in a better area anytime soon or ever.
  2. schmolioot

    schmolioot Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    I don't know, in terms of ingress and egress the current location of the stadium is great. Right off the turnpike from either North or south, centrally located between the two main population centers in Broward and Dade.

    With the casino, the new waterpark and the other stuff, I could see there being some revitalization of the whole area. But there definitely isn't going to be a brand new stadium any time soon. Maybe another 15-20 years from now.
  3. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    A new stadium is not neccesarily dead CR, Robbie/Pro Player/Dolphins/Landshark/Sun Trust stadium could be rebuilt at it's current location.

    I DO think Ross should be careful or he will cheapen things up so badly it looks like the golf course from Caddy Shack pt II, possibly the worst film ever made..
  4. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    The guy is a real estate developer. This is his bread and butter
    GARDENHEAD and The Aqua Crush like this.
  5. FinsAreLife

    FinsAreLife Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    I thought a new stadium wasnt happening anyways because of the major rennovations happening once the marlins move out? Or am i completely losing my mind?
  6. schmolioot

    schmolioot Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    The renovations would be alot cheaper than a new stadium, even though they would be major.

    A new stadium runs you at least a billion, even in this economy.
  7. Bumrush

    Bumrush Stable Genius Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    I love the Phins and would love a new stadium, but I'm sick and tired of multi-billionaire owners raping public funding to get stadiums built.. No more funding for stadiums..
  8. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Does this mean 2-3 more wins next year? If not, then I really don't give a tish.
    FinSane and SICK like this.
  9. PhinsRDbest

    PhinsRDbest Transform and Transcend

    Jan 5, 2010
    the next dimension
    So the supply of parking goes down, which means an increase in the demand for parking, which also means an increase in price. Glad I'm rich like the celebrities Ross wants to attract, oh wait i'm not:pity:
    DolfanJake likes this.

    NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey
    I agree, I fly down every year and stay in Fort laud, we use to stay in North Beach. The stadium is like in no man's land. It's not a great area for tourists unless your looking to see the stadium.
  11. jetssuck

    jetssuck I hear Mandich's voice...

    Aug 4, 2009
    Move the stadium to western Palm Beach county...... problem solved
    Frumundah Finnatic and firedan like this.
  12. The Aqua Crush

    The Aqua Crush New Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Calgary Alberta Canada
    Why would he buy prime real estate in South Florida to move everything there. The assets around the stadium are probably being consumed by him on the cheap with Sun Life being the only drawing card to the location.

    He's going to develop the land around it until it becomes attractive and revitalized, that's how he'll make his money. Not buy purchasing already expensive real estate in other areas of Miami.
  13. Dolphins1Beatles

    Dolphins1Beatles Ziggy Stardust

    Oct 9, 2009
    New York
    The Stadium would bring $$$ in year round I'm assuming.

    On the Finsiders show they are making up their own names for the rides and having listeners make some too, it's hilarious.

    "Rex Ryan's Humpback Diver"
  14. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    Hopes for a new stadium should have been dashed as far back as when Huizenga announced $250 million dollar renovations four years ago. That's a big reason I laughed hard at Roger Goodell and the Super Bowl committee demanding upgrades to the stadium for the purposes of hosting future Super Bowls: they want us to practically build a new stadium.

    And anyone watching the Marlins' negotiations with the city of Miami would have realized how difficult it was to get approval for a new stadium with the money already set aside by public vote! The Marlins' new ballpark will be the newest sports structure in South Florida for a long time.
  15. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    I love his business vision.

    That said, and this is gonna sound weird, but ever since seeing the documentary "The Cove" (won the Academy Award as best documentary this year) about the dolphin industry I WON'T support parks that acquire and keep dolphins captive.


    hopefully this park won't have dolphins... but since he owns the Dolphins NFL team you have to think it would be smart business to integrate Dolphins into that water park.

    So, for me, I hope morals win out over money here and that he doesn't put real dolphins in the park. We are the Miami Dolphins and our actions as an organization should reflect a true stewardship and respect for the animals after which our team is named.
    DolfanJake likes this.
  16. ToddsPhins

    ToddsPhins Banned

    Mar 15, 2009
    If Boik's whole "Phins cheerleader" idea applies to the water park, too..... and they're hired as the lifeguards (which would be compassionate of us to employ them year round to prevent the turning of tricks)...... then I'll sign up for a season pass.
  17. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    A Miami Dade waterpark has been planned for a long time, I've heard it being bulit near Metro Zoo though, not JRS.
  18. Dolphins1Beatles

    Dolphins1Beatles Ziggy Stardust

    Oct 9, 2009
    New York
    They should name one of the ride's the "New York Jets River of Tears" with screens showing highlights of all the infamous jet losses.[Fake Spike, 1982 AFC championship, 2008 week 17, etc] or maybe "Rex Ryan's River of Tears" with highlights from the MNF game last season. or both! Actually Rex could be used for the food booth instead.
    AbideN703 and jetssuck like this.
  19. jetssuck

    jetssuck I hear Mandich's voice...

    Aug 4, 2009
    lol...good idea

    And when ordering at the concession stand, instead of extra large it's a Rex Ryan popcorn or Rex Ryan nachos
  20. Tin Indian

    Tin Indian Rockin' The Bottom End Club Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Palm Bay Florida
    Do we get Flipper in the endzone again?
    DolfanJake and padre31 like this.
  21. Tin Indian

    Tin Indian Rockin' The Bottom End Club Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Palm Bay Florida

    I guess this means we won't get Flipper in the endzone again.:sad:
    DolfanJake likes this.
  22. dolfan94

    dolfan94 New Member

    Oct 9, 2008
    Awesome! Definetely getting a job there when it opens. What's the pay I will ask for? Dolphins tickets!!
  23. TheMageGandalf

    TheMageGandalf Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    I think it totally sucks.:sad:

    I would've flipped out for an awesome year round NFL experience deal. The ultimate NFL destination other than Canton.

    A Football fans 'Heaven' if you will.

    Instead we get a goofy water park that is sure to be lame in comparison to the Disney one and problably slightly better than the one already here (Rapids Water Park) if not worse.
  24. dolfan94

    dolfan94 New Member

    Oct 9, 2008

    Rapids is way better than both Disney Parks. This will be a little smaller than Rapids. I'll take that. This area needs reviving. If he can build shops and restaurants around the area, it can happen. Pembroke Gardens is way to close and way to new though
  25. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    I think we all are aware of what Ross does.
    What is the point?

    I get the feeling this response was directed towards my post questioning the chance of success for this project.
    If it is, I don't see this as a very thorough argument.
    Ross wouldn't be the first developer to have a project sounding better as a concept than it would play in reality fail.
    May work but there are a number of issues that make the odds are more against it than for it.
    jetssuck likes this.
  26. TheMageGandalf

    TheMageGandalf Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Thats a matter of opinion (about Rapids).


    The only thing that MIGHT help the area out is its proximity to Aventura and the tourism that would come from that. I doubt that the area around the stadium itself will reap much benefits (business owners will though if tourists come). Its not like Ross will be handing out checks.

    We are talking about years and years of that area being beaten down (Carol City).

    Its going to take a LONG while and investors that are willing to buy property up and tear down and rebuild. I dont see it happening.
    Coral Reefer likes this.
  27. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    Ross is taking a big gamble on a water park.

    Six Flags Atlantis was a great water park and managed by one of the top theme park companies in the country. It was in a much nicer area, nearer to common tourist areas and just as easily accessible. It still failed. S. Florida is an area people come to for the beaches. Talking tourists into leaving the beaches to drive to the middle of Dade/Broward counties to a bad neighborhood to boot isn't an easy sell. The ties to Dolphin stadium aren't going to help much if at all when you're talking about attracting tourists to a water park.
    DolfanJake, FinSane and jetssuck like this.
  28. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Well, what typically happens is the money moves in, the poor move out either quickly, or slowly, as prices tend to go upwards when a new development is established, the economic ripple means landlords sell homes that before were quite cheap, homeowners of modest means suffer increased millage rates.

    I'm not saying that is either good or bad, but gentrification is a reality to consider.

    Have to give Ross credit, the man thinks big and is willing to gamble, this is ontop of his reported loss of tens if not hundreds of millions on the Dolphins between the sale price and current value.

    A successful Dolphins team is the best medicine Ross could have for the waterpark and his bottom line, imho he is taking a page from the Jerry Jones playbook, build up the franchise even at a current lose to make large money 3 yrs from now.
  29. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Well it's alway —wait a minute, they were turning what? Where? How much? Ahem. I'll need all the relevant information to get to the bottom of this. Someone needs to do something about this. :shifty:
    siciliansith likes this.
  30. FinSane

    FinSane Cynical Dolphins Fan

    Dec 1, 2007
    Melbourne, Fl
    Every owner we've had(Robbie, Huizenga, now Ross) has wanted to build up the area around the stadium. Robbie envisioned it being a multi-sports complex. Wayne was going to build Blockbuster Town, then Dolphin Town,to then just renovating the stadium. Now Ross wants a waterpark. Im all for developing around the stadium and adding attractions, shops, restaurants, ect. and what not, and I mean let's face it, the area needs some serious economic investment and jobs, even if they're only minimum wage service jobs. But I won't hold my breath until it actually happens. For whatever reason or another, it never seems to happen.
    jetssuck likes this.
  31. Section126

    Section126 We are better than you. Luxury Box

    Dec 20, 2007
    Miami, Florida
    The stadium could not be more centrally located.
  32. HardKoreXXX

    HardKoreXXX Insensitive to the Touch

    Apr 2, 2008
    Coral Springs, FL
    We were talking about this at work today. Most of us (all long-time South Florida residents) agreed this won't work unless they do a lot more around the stadium to support it. A water park and a stadium together won't do anything. Hell, the Wal-Mart next door to the stadium will do more business.

    I look at a city like Detroit, with all it's problems, and goddamn it if they don't have one of the nicest surroundings of their sports stadiums I've seen. Ford Field and Comerica are literally right next to each other, and there are quite a few bars and restaurants surrounding.

    I do like that Ross is trying to make the area a little nicer, I'm just not sure a water park was the way to go. Nightlife? Yes. Not this.
  33. DolfanJake

    DolfanJake Banned

    Jan 15, 2010
    West Miami-Dade County
    What everyone seems to be forgetting is this is only being done because of the loss of the Marlins revenue. While I am glad they are leaving and getting their own place, this is the result of their leaving, the opening of this "doomed to fail" venture. What I fear is that Ross will pour millions into this water park, and then claim not to have (or maybe not have in reality) money to spend on the Dolphins. That is what would really suck.
  34. HardKoreXXX

    HardKoreXXX Insensitive to the Touch

    Apr 2, 2008
    Coral Springs, FL
    They've still got the Canes playing there. That's added revenue the wasn't there just a couple years ago. I don't think the Marlins leaving has anything to do with building the water park.
  35. PhinsRock

    PhinsRock Premium Member Luxury Box

    If it helps generate revenue to pay for more free agents, I'm all for it.

    NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey
    Yeah, away from everything!
    Coral Reefer likes this.
  37. Section126

    Section126 We are better than you. Luxury Box

    Dec 20, 2007
    Miami, Florida
    it just isn't.

    Ask yourself, who would know better? the visitor from jersey, or the guy that has been to that stadium since it's opening.
  38. HardKoreXXX

    HardKoreXXX Insensitive to the Touch

    Apr 2, 2008
    Coral Springs, FL
    It is EXTREMELY easy to get to though. It's really in a great spot, there's just nothing around it. Still a better spot than the OB though.
    Section126 and jetssuck like this.
  39. FinSane

    FinSane Cynical Dolphins Fan

    Dec 1, 2007
    Melbourne, Fl
    It does in the sense that they want year-round activities going on at the stadium once they leave. I mean, I dont mind it, we really need some major attractions down here for families like South Florida used to have. Im too old now to care much personally but if I was still a little kid I would be psyched up. We haven't had a major waterpark here since Six Flags Atlantis and it closed before I was big enough to go there. So I dont think its so bad. Plus I do think Ross still wants to build restautants, hotels, ect. there.
    siciliansith likes this.

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