**** Swami B's PS3 Madden League Power Rankings - Week 10 ****

Discussion in 'Gaming Forum' started by Bpk, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    **** Swami B's PS3 Madden League Power Rankings - Week 10 ****

    (NOT including any week 11 results, since not everyone has played their games)

    1) Jacksonville Jaguars
    A narrow victory over the Broncos keeps the Jags momentum, but raises the first doubts about their utter dominance. You know you're good when winning y "only one touchdown" sets off a ripple of worry among your Floridian fanbase. The Jags secondary looked very mortal against Kyle Orton. Not a great sign. Still, the Jags did enough to win, keeping the Broncos out of the endzone, for the most part. Garrard is not looking at his best, yet they keep on winning. If this is what a bad game looks like for this team, the rest of the league can only look on in envy.

    2) Cleveland Browns
    The Dawgpound howled as the Browns chased the Steelers back to Steeltown with a 45-17 whipping. How do they do it? Defense. Offense. Special Teams. all three phases contribute on a balanced team. Who said there's nothing good in Cleveland? Oh, it was me last season! Well, Cleveland citizens I officially admit I am wro-- ahem... wr--. Ahem. Congratulations.

    3) Carolina Panthers
    I would pay to see a real fight between a panther and a bengal tiger. I think the tiger would win, unless there were a bunch of panthers. That'd look cool. Similarly, it took a team of Panthers to bring down the Bengal 52-29 last week. 27 different Panthers showed up on the stat sheet as the Panthers continued prowling the jungles of the NFC, declaring their dominance over their turf. A week 13 test versus the AFC Browns will show what these cats are truly made of.

    4) Detroit Lions
    Everyone in the press box did a triple-take when this score came up on the jumbotron at the figure skating event we were covering. 145-31 is impressive, albeit against a sub-standard Rams squad that has just lost its coach in a squall of controversy. The Lions pounced in and eviscerated their disoriented prey, with Ernie Sims leading the charge. 14 sacks have Detroit teens giving Sims the new nickname "Glitch". Even more impressive were a combined 628 passing yards to two receivers whose scouting portfolios read like special-needs assessments: "Will never amount to anything.", "Cannot spell the acronym TD, let alone catch any.". Must be the fine vapors of the Detroit river that has brought these substandard players to life. Talk of a Coach-of-the-Year award has begun in Grosse Pointe Country Clubs. Around the league comments ranged from: "He does more with less than any coach I know." to "***-hole."

    5) New York Giants
    When the vaunted Giants rushing attack rolled into Minneapolis last week, many expected them to steamroll the cellar-dwelling Vikes. But the Giants weren't ready for the Vikings to go Absolut-berzerker on them, as the proud purple came out in a bloodrage and made life surprisingly difficult for a very strong New York team. When the Giants got up 17-0 early in the first quarter, it looked over, but the Giants may have relaxed too early as they didn't score again as the Vikings put 16 unanswered points on the board. A worrisome result for some, as the Giants escape the would-be Giant-slayers' blade with a narrow one-point margin of victory. The coaches have since worked the Giants players like mules in practice, with several players vomiting at Tuesday's practice. Two-a-days during the season? With the Giants coach anything is possible.

    6) Tennessee Titans
    My first reaction to the Titans-Texans boxscore says it all: "The Titans beat the Texans. Of course they did." A research crew from Cornell has been sent out to study the arms of the Tennessee quarterbacks to see if muscle atrophy has set in with their combined 15 total pass attempts through 10 weeks. The team, however, met with a tragic accident as they were run over by the tandem of Lendale White and Chris Johnson. Now you understand Tennessee.

    7) Baltimore Ravens
    Another good outing for the Ravens. Five INTs against the Patriots and a balanced offensive attack keep the purple birds winning. Rookie sensation Taurean Barclay continues to excite Maryland devotees. His 13 receiving touchdowns are a testament to this front office's great work. The winning will continue in Baltimore.

    8) Kansas City Chiefs
    Another convincing victory over the lowly Raiders. 10 receivers caught balls. 442 passing yards. Now if the run defense can improve, this Chiefs team could make a run at the top five, who all have stellar rushing attacks. Notice how well the Chiefs have done since King Carl left!

    9) Green Bay Packers

    A bye week last week moves the Packers up as other teams tumbled.

    10) New Orleans Saints
    See "Packers"

    11) San Diego Chargers
    Joey Harrington 2/3 with a TD?? Magic is possible in San Diego. Also, the Chargers beat a good Cardinals team. Philip Rivers was a surgeon, spreading the ball to 8 different receivers as he dissected the Cards defense. This team is getting better.

    12) Arizona Cardinals
    The Cards coach needs to rent "Forrest Gump". When it gets to the part where they yell "Run, Forrest, Run", he needs to take notes. Nine rushing attempts versus the Chargers simply isn't enough and allowed an aggressive Chargers defense to tee-off on Kurt Warner and Matt Leinart. RUN FORREST! RUN!

    13) Dallas Cowboys
    Lincoln field saw the assassination of its beloved Eagles as the Cowboys blazed their six-shooters in a revenge showdown. Beating the Eagles won;t move you up more than one spot nowadays. As Shania Twain said, "That don't impress me much."

    Three-Way Tie at #14
    14) Atlanta Falcons
    After a blockbuster trade sends Matty Ice, the face of the franchise away for an injured Adrian Peterson, the fans are a mix of excited and upset. In his first start for the high-flying Falcs, rookie Jake Scott throws six picks as the birds fly on wounded wing, scraping past the Buccaneers. The Bucs suck. A three point victory over the Bucs is a move down... hey, this is becoming like the College Ranking system, and if the Falcons are the GTech YellowJackets, the Bucs are Monmouth. Yes, differential matters, folks.

    14) Denver Broncos
    How do you move up after a loss? By taking the dominant, #1 ranked team to the limit. The Broncos provided the severest test yet to the unbeaten Jags this past week and in doing so, caught the attention of some people around the league. "I think the coach must have thrown a gatorade cooler in the locker room or something, because it seems like his players have woken up and he's got their attention. I wouldn't want to play the Broncos next. I hear their coach beats his kids." The Broncos have a longshot chance of making the playoffs and will have to win out to have a shot. Bets anyone?

    14) Seattle Seahawks
    Coming from behind against a tough 49ers team and winning on a 4th quarter field goal really showed that the Seahawks have a ton of fight in them. If Seattle can beat Atlanta, and the Cardinals lose to the Saints, the Seahawks would be tied for the division lead. There is a light of hope for this franchise after a very shaky start! Skies may be clearing in the northwest, but the task is clear: the Seahawks must beat the Falcons.

    17) Chicago Bears

    Again Devin Hester had no return touchdowns, and the Bears secondary posted no turnovers in a victory over the Dolphins. Paul-Bunyon-armed quarterback Jay Cutler threw the Bears past the porpoises, but there is no way the Bears can consistently win week in and week out with only one of the three phases carrying the team. Defense and Special Teams need to start showing up.

    18) Pittsburgh Steelers
    3 INTs and no TDs for Big Ben helped sink the Steelers hopes in a big divisional game against the Browns. 37 rushing yards gave Big Ben no help. Where do the Stellers go from here? Mainly, they need to begin winning their divsional matchups, or the Steelers will be left praying for a Wildcard spot.

    19) Indianapolis Colts
    Bye week. Bye #19 ranking.

    20) New York Jets
    Jets win, but we still don;t like the Jets and refuse to write about them.

    21) Minnesota Vikings
    The Vikings were one foot-out-the-back-of-the-endzone away from the season's biggest upset last week when a two point conversion attempt failed and they lost 16-17 to the New York Giants. The team showed signs of improvement, however, and many a local dowager and widow may be dusting off their social security check to buy a ticket to see what's brewing down at the Metrodome. The key to this sudden heartbeat is the trade for new Viking-horde leader, Matty Ryan, who has promised to grow out his mullet for the longboatmen. With Ryan's precise passing, poise, and pocket awareness, the gilded horns of the Vikings helmets may be raised in victory soon.

    22) New England Patriots
    Another loss has Robert Kraft wondering about Blill Belichick's future. Did I really say that? Yes.

    23) Miami Dolphins
    Another close loss. A friend of mine from Boca Raton recently had chest pains after a Dolphins game. His cardiologist told him he had built up callouses around his heart from all the pain and suffering. Hey, "Go Phins!"

    24) Houston Texans
    Signs of life on the baked Texas terra. The Texans gave the dominant Titans a spirited game, going for four 4th down attempts and converting 3. Like a kidnapped woman who just refuses to be put into the trunk, the Texans did not go gently into that good night. Now if Schaub can protect the ball more this team could begin to claw its way out from the cellar. First it has to put the ball into the receivers' breadbaskets, or or it gets the hose again.

    25) Philadelphia Eagles
    It's important to do something well in football, and the Eagles do. They lose games better than anyone. Don;t ask me, ask the hot dog vendors who have lost 65% of their sales this season as Lincoln Field begins to to resemble the graveyard of Boot Hill more than the raucous stadium that snowballed Santa Claus. Looking at the Egeles' schedule, things will remain pretty grim right up until Christmas, when Santa delivers the Vikings for a possible Eagles shot at a win. Or will Santa remember the snowballs...?

    26) San Francisco 49ers
    An incredible defense created 2 sacks, 1 INT and 3 fumbles against the Seahwaks, but the offense let them down again. 184 rushing yards is impressive, but how do you not generate more than 184 passing yards behind that sort of running game? Playaction. Learn to use it, San Fran, and you'll start winning!

    27) Washington Redskins
    Let's hope the bye week let's this coaching staff regroup itself for a second half with more than one win.

    28) Cincinnati Bengals
    I've run out of words to describe the Bengals, so I'll invent one: Horruglyble.

    29) St. Louis Rams
    Straight off the side of the mountain go the Rams, smashed 145-31 by the Lions. What a fall. Here's the saddest stat... the Rams had two red zone attempts all day. Two. The good news is, they came away with points both times. But the Rams have a good excuse, for once, their head coach, Rory McRib, quit the team in a shocker this past week. He cited a crisis of conscience as the reason. Rumor is his conscience couldn't handle Owner/VP Sergei Pooplaser's overtures towards McRib's longtime life-partner Cynthia at a charity BBQ event for which they were guest judges. Pooplaser offered to lick Cynthia McRib's fingers clean and Coach McRib decked him with a brisket. Stay tuned as this soap opera plays out.

    30) Oakland Raiders
    Newsflash: Crazy Al Davis is crazy. When you put your $500million business in the hands of a 54 rated rookie Quarterback named Seth Sarafin, you don't just have football problems, you have business problems. Also, he spells it "bid-ness."

    31) Tampa Bay Buccaneers
    For giving the decent Altanta team a hard time, the lowly Buccaneers get off the desert island at the bottom of the rankings. YAARRRRRR, MATEY!

    32) Buffalo Bills
    Bills lose again. Anyone wanna buy a team? Toronto? Anyone? The only good team in Buffalo right now are the guys in the kitchen at Anchor Bar who make the chicken wings.
    SICK, TiP54, Fin-Omenal and 1 other person like this.
  2. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    I actually agree with 1-6 this week. Week 14 between the Giants and Titans will definitely be interesting, especially if they both don't lose any games until then; two 11-1 teams battling it out. Jacksonville is looking to get back on track this week against the Colts.
  3. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    With which teams do you disagree?

    Anyone WAY off, in your opinion?
  4. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    Hmm, just a quick glance you might have Baltimore touch too high but it's because we have different philosophies. I go off record, teams played, etc. and you go more off potential and momentum. Baltimore is definitely a scary team though. One game behind Pitt and still have a head-to-head with them, and lot of CPU games. They could claw back into a Wildcard with the AFC West beating up on each other and just takes one game to bounce someone in the playoffs. Pitt might have fallen too far but just looking at it, overall you seem to have done good. I might would move a team a spot or two but nothing drastic.
  5. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    I realized yesterday that I could win all the rest of my games and still miss the playoffs
    SICK and Bpk like this.
  6. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Sobering thought, Brett. But you should have a shot at a wildcard.

    Or, for the Division. If you win out, you end at 12-4... you would beat the Browns once. They would need to lose 3 other games... which is totally possible.

    The Broncos almost beat the Jags, so could beat the Browns.
    The Panthers could beat the Browns.

    It's really the Falcons you have to hang your hopes on... if the Falcons beat the Browns down the stretch, then you would go to a tie-breaker based on who scored more points against each other in your two games, I think.

    So, yeah, you need to win out.

    If you do, I think you have a 25% chance at the division, and a 60% chance at the wildcard.

    Guesstimates, obviously.
  7. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    And, by the way, there is NO incentive for me to be winning, but I am still trying. I defintiely can;t make the playoffs, so all I am doing is hurting my draft position.

    Don;t care though. I play for pride, man. I tried my best to beat the Giants and Bears.
  8. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    Hey last year I had no incentive to win either. When I took over my team we were out of it.

    It ended up working in my favor.
  9. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    I hope to at least go .500 from here on out. I figure I end with 5-8 wins somewhere. Probably 6, though I have a couple tough games.

    I feel like my offense is finding itself now. I like my run D (holding teams to under a hundred yards every game, and more recently, some nice low numbers). My secondary is still an issue. I need to play against the pass better... and part of that has been me finding better ways to rush the passer, mix up coverages to make QB reads harder against me, etc.

    Know what... I need to learn some things from the guys on here... here are the guys who are gurus to me in specific areas.. I'd LOVE to learn the following things from these guys:

    Blitzing: aboome
    Rushing: Bob (soldieroflight)
    Passing: Alex
    Roster and depth chart: Alex and BigDogsHunt
    Game Management: Sick
    Redzone INTs: Dupree ;) (joking)

    Dunno who is best at defensive coverages/INTS, and at kickoff returns.

    Anyways, if I had the best of all of those peeps, I'd be unstoppable... like Starry, who can do it all, it seems.
  10. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Sick is the best I have played against with defensive coverages.
    SICK likes this.
  11. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nah. He just does Ask Madden.
    Starry31, SICK and Fin-Omenal like this.
  12. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    Ashraf and Sick are very good "All around" players. If I could take one thing from anyone, it would be SICK and his ability to user control and get interceptions.
    Bpk likes this.
  13. finsincebirth

    finsincebirth Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    Left off the list Barry? I'm hurt. Do I need to school you in Madden again? :tongue2:
    Bpk likes this.
  14. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    you guys stop it! im blushing....

  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Yea, Sicks gets user picks like a mofo.

    The best at blitzing is Alex, imo.

    The best all around player is probably Sick.
  16. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Seriously! How the eff do you do that, Sick? When *I* user control the guy and hit triangle he ALWAYS drops it.

    I'm starting to think I should just press the button to select the player but NOT try to catch it or anything. Maybe the computer increases your INT chances if it knows the player is 'user controlled' even if you aren;t touching the joystick and buttons.

    Just a new theory.
  17. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    From you, I want to learn your graceful diplomacy.


    You;re well rounded, but some dudes are freakishly good at one thing.
  18. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Have you played the Saints yet, Ashraf? Rigo's a blitzaholic serving 151 proof kickyoass.

    In terms of the BEST... welll, that's what the Superbowl is for. :)
  19. aboome

    aboome Resident Madden God Club Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    Barry what the hell i don't biltz:wink2:. Ashraf and I haven't played yet. On another note Barry move the Saints up in the power ranking David Carr proved he is serviceable and with 6 games left 3 being vs the Cpu Bengals once and Buccaneers twice. Nawlins needs to be ranked higher
    Bpk likes this.
  20. ChrisKo

    ChrisKo Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 28, 2007

    wtf?!?!? :)
  21. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    If same record and split head to head then it would go off division record, then if needed conference record, right? Not entirely sure about that. AFC has 10 players fighting for 5 spots, NFC has 12 players fighting for 6 spots with Rams temporarily leaving. Going get interesting and no matter which teams make the playoffs in the AFC the only one I'd want to play is the AFCE champion. :lol:
    Bpk likes this.
  22. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    Can Detroit grab the 3 spot in next weeks rankings?
  23. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Only if they make their own ratings :tongue2:
  24. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    Hey after the two undefeated team it's a free for all :tongue2:
  25. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    It would be hard to put a team above Sick. He is an amazing madden player.
  26. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    True but he lost a game just like everyone else below the two undefeated teams.
  27. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    That is true, however it was against the Giants by only three points. He also has more quality wins than you do right now.
  28. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    SICK and Fin-Omenal like this.
  29. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Lol.So I'm tied for last with Sick. Cool.
  30. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    Who has he beaten? Honest question, I dont follow his.schedule
  31. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Sick doesn't really have more quality wins than Alex, imo. And if he does, it's by one.
  32. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    heh I have to get a shot or two in while it lasts. And Dupree quit giving the NFC compliments, they all pat each other on the back enough. We gotta represent the AFC! :lol:
  33. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Carolina beat
    Browns (in the future):tongue2:


    Detroit beat
    Packers x2
    Bears x2


    I would put the quality of oppenents heavily in the Panthers favor and I would give them a more quality loss as well.

    You can find the schedules online. The easports website for the leagues is extremely buggy, however it is pretty cool that it exists in the first place.
  34. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    Its just there are more nfc users I think. So our schedules are pretty rough. Plus sick is insanely good and so is raffie. I've never played the browns but I have respect for you guys. And the titans.
  35. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Wow, you must dream/Nightmares about that INT return for game winning TD. Over, and over, and over.....

    Bpk likes this.
  36. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    I'm so torn between these AFC/NFC games like Browns vs Panthers and Giants vs Titans. My heart wants the AFC teams to win, but I want the NFC teams to win since it helps me.
  37. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    I have 6 reg. season games remaining, and 5 vs Human (only Dolphins CPU).
    Bpk likes this.
  38. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    The Saints werent user controlled when he beat them. It was the first game of the season if I'm not mistaken. Also what happens if I beat the Giants, a team that he lost to?
  39. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    Only two more with Rams out but I know what you're saying. Kidding aside the NFC is rough. Saints and Packers were two big additions and seems the Seahawks are improved, while having the Lions/Panthers/Giants with just one losses. AFC has Browns/Jags with no losses but first halves of schedules were easy. Titans are solid and have one loss with some tough games to close. Pitt I haven't figured out and Ravens are better than their record. AFC West is really competitive as all three of those teams are good.

    My only CPU is Miami as well, which you would think is a good thing but with a 14-1 record over two seasons they are my one loss. :glare:
    BigDogsHunt likes this.
  40. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    You are right. I still put the Ravens, Cardinals and Seahawks ahead of the Bears.

    If you beat the Giants then BPK will have a hard decision to make.
    Bpk likes this.

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