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Image Title Text
001 Huh 001 Huh :huh:
001 Icon16 001 Icon16 :kiss:
001 Rolleyes 001 Rolleyes :001_rolleyes:
001 Smile 001 Smile :smile:
001 Tongue 001 Tongue :tongue:
001 Tt1 001 Tt1 :tt1:
001 Tt2 001 Tt2 :tongue2:
1eye 1eye :1eye:
2guns 2guns :2guns:
Alien Alien :alien:
Amen Amen :amen:
American Flag American Flag :flag:
Angel Angel :angel:
Angry Angry :angry:
Arabia Arabia :arabia:
AstroZoom AstroZoom :zoom:
Bag head Bag head :bag:
Bake Bake :bake:
Balloon Balloon :balloon:
Ban Ban :ban:
Batman Batman :batman:
Beer Beer :beer:
Beta1 Beta1 :beta1:
Big Grin Big Grin :D
Big hug Big hug :bighug:
Big Thumb Up Big Thumb Up :up:
bless bless :bless:
Blink Blink :blink:
Blush Blush :blush:
Blushing Blushing :blushing:
Boomer Boomer :boom:
Bored Bored :bored:
Bump knucks Bump knucks :knucks:
Burp Burp :burp:
Butthead Butthead :butthead:
Censored Censored :censored:
Chuckle Chuckle :chuckle:
Clap Clap :clap:
Closedeyes Closedeyes :closedeyes:
Confused Confused :confused:
Confused1 Confused1 :confused1:
Confused2 Confused2 :confused2:
Console Console :console:
Cool Cool :cool:
Cool0 Cool0 :cool0:
Cool2 Cool2 :cool2:
Couch Couch :couch:
crapstorm crapstorm :crapstrom:
Cry Cry :cry:
Cuba Cuba :cuba:
Cupid Cupid :cupid:
Cursing Cursing :cursing:
Dance Dance :dance:
Danceline Danceline :danceline:
Dead Horse Dead Horse :deadhorse:
Death Death :death:
Devil Devil :devil:
Devil2 Devil2 :devil2:
Dolphin Dolphin :dolphin:
Domo Dance Domo Dance :domodance:
Dots Dots :dots:
Drink Drink :drink:
Drool Drool :drool:
Dunno Dunno :dunno:
EEK! EEK! :eek:
Escape Escape :escape:
Escape Escape :escape2:
Evil Laugh Evil Laugh :evillaugh:
Evil laugh Evil laugh :evil:
Excl Excl :excl:
Faint Faint :faint:
Favre Favre :favre:
Feedback Feedback :feedback:
Ffic Ffic :ffic:
Firefox Firefox :firefox:
Flowers Flowers :flowers:
Freestyle Freestyle :freestyle:
Frown Frown :(
Gators Gators :gators:
Glare Glare :glare:
Groucho Groucho :groucho:
Guitar Hero Guitar Hero :guitar:
Gun Bandana Gun Bandana :gun_bandana:
Hammer Hammer :hammer:
hammer hammer :hammertime:
Hang Hang :hang:
Happybday Happybday :happybday:
Head scratch Head scratch :headscratch:
Head/Wall Head/Wall :headwall:
Helpsmilie Helpsmilie :helpsmilie:
Hi5 Hi5 :hi5:
hijacked hijacked :hijack:
Huh Huh :huh1:
Hump Hump :hump:
Innocent Innocent :innocent:
JT JT :jt0323:
Kenny Kenny :az:
King Felix King Felix :king:
Kiss Kiss :kiss2:
Laugh Laugh :lol:
Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh :laughy:
Link Link :link:
LOL LOL :pointlol:
Loser Loser :loser:
LOST LOST :lost:
Mad Mad :mad:
Marble Marble :marble:
Mellow Mellow :mellow:
Mindwarp Mindwarp :mindwarp:
morning morning :morning:
Mullet Mullet :mullet1:
Mullet II Mullet II :mullet2:
Mullet III Mullet III :mullet3:
Mullet IV Mullet IV :mullet4:
Nabo Nabo :nabo:
No No :no:
Nono Nono :nono:
Not Funny Not Funny :notfunny:
Nut Kick Nut Kick :nutkick:
Nut kicker Nut kicker :nutkicker:
Offtopic Offtopic :offtopic:
Ohmy Ohmy :ohmy:
Old Toker Old Toker :oldtoker:
OMG OMG :omg:
Online2long Online2long :online2long:
Oops Oops :oops:
Party Time Party Time :party:
Phone Phone :phone:
Pinch Pinch :pinch:
Pitty Pitty :pity:
Please DIe Please DIe :plzdie:
Pray Pray :pray:
Praying Praying :praying:
Punk Punk :punk:
Redx Redx :redx:
Rimshot Rimshot :rimshot:
Rockon Rockon :rockon:
Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) :rolleyes:
RTFM RTFM :rtfm:
Sad Sad :sad:
Saddam Saddam :saddam:
Sailor Sailor :sailor:
Salute Salute :salute:
Scared Scared :scared:
Scooter Scooter :scooter:
Shaun Shaun :shaun:
Shifty Shifty :shifty:
Shuriken Shuriken :shuriken:
Sigh Sigh :sigh:
Ski Ski :njfinfan1:
Sleep Sleep :sleep:
Sleep1 Sleep1 :sleep1:
Sleeping Sleeping :sleeping:
Smack Head Smack Head :smackhead:
Smartass Smartass :smartass:
Smile Smile :)
Sneaky2 Sneaky2 :sneaky2:
Sorcerer Sorcerer :sorcerer:
Spam Spam :spam:
Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue :p
Stuart Stuart :stuart:
Stupid Stupid :stupid:
Suicide Jumper Suicide Jumper :jump:
Surrender Surrender :surrender:
Sweatdrop Sweatdrop :sweatdrop:
Swimmer Swimmer :swimmer:
Swing Swing :swing:
Tantrum Tantrum :tantrum:
Taunt Taunt :taunt:
Taz Taz :taz:
Thank you Thank you :thankyou:
Thanx Thanx :thanx:
The U The U :theu:
Thumbdown Thumbdown :thumbdown:
Thumbup Thumbup :thumbup:
Thumbup1 Thumbup1 :thumbup1:
Tickle Tickle :tickle:
Tied Tied :tied:
Tongue Smilie Tongue Smilie :tongue_smilie:
Tooth Tooth :tooth:
Train Train :train:
Trytofly Trytofly :trytofly:
Turned Turned :turned:
U Da Man U Da Man :theman:
Unlucky Luciano Unlucky Luciano :lucky:
Unsure Unsure :unsure:
W00t W00t :w00t:
Wacko Wacko :wacko:
Walkman Walkman :walkman:
Wasntme Sign Wasntme Sign :wasntme-sign:
Wave Hello Wave Hello :wave:
Wharf Wharf :wharf:
Wheelchair Wheelchair :wheelchair:
Whistling Whistling :whistling:
Wink Wink ;)
Wink2 Wink2 :wink2:
Winkiss Winkiss :winkiss:
Won't Play Won't Play :wontplay:
Woot Woot :woot:
Words Words :words:
Worthless Worthless :betterwithout:
Worthless Worthless :worthless:
Yahoo Yahoo :yahoo:
Yawn Yawn :yawn:
Yes Yes :yes:
Yinyang Yinyang :yinyang: