When will they stop fixing these games?

Discussion in 'SoapBox - Rants forum' started by cobrajet, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
    The interference penalty on the Revis ("pick 6") goes totally unnoticed. Even Gruden said there were 5 flags they could have thrown, they threw nothing.

    Brandon Marshall goes out of bounds (against his momentum) on his way to the endzone for no reason. He must have tripped on an invisible man.

    After his mysterious jump out of bounds and pick 6, Marshall is seen laughing and joking on the sideline

    At the end of the game a Dolphins coach goes over to Revis and congratulates him like they are best friends

    Could this get anymore obvious?

    The reason they can keep fixing games like this is because everyone refuses to believe it can happen. Doesn't it strike anyone odd that the same corporate sponsors that sponsor the teams own the casinos and run the sports books that give the odds and the point spreads? Someone must be making a ton of money betting on points per quarter.

    I just love it when people say "you can't fix football there are too many people involved" WRONG. The players only run the plays they are told to run, the coaches feed the plays. If the coach knows they can run the ball, they can just keep calling running plays and the players will never know.

    The possibility for corruption is wide and based on what I saw on Monday night it is becoming more and more obvious. If you want corruption as a result you a need total control and a ton of cash and the NFL has both. My god are we getting naive in this country or what?
  2. SCall13

    SCall13 ThePhins QB

    GARDENHEAD likes this.

    NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey
    Oh please!

    And it was Brian Cox who was talking to Revis, Cox was a coach on the Jets Revis's first year.
    siciliansith and steveincolorado like this.
  4. SCall13

    SCall13 ThePhins QB

    And Chad Henne's season ending shoulder injury is fixed too? I suppose back in the 80's, when Theisman has his leg broken in half, that was planned? And Marino -one of, if not the greatest, QBs of all time, was ushered out with a fixed 62-7 shellacking. Get real dude. Can we just delete this thread?
  5. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
    It was a bad call but bad calls happen to EVERY team. Game was not fixed we just suck.
    Laces Out likes this.
  6. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
    I hate to go against the grain here guys but some things in that game (and a few others) have looked awfully suspicious. Not every play and not every move but it wouldn't surprise me if some, not all, but some of these games are fiddled with. I cannot say for sure but the possibility is there. Hey if I had the juice to fix plays and make a ton of cash I'd probably do it too.

    By the way, when was the last time you ever heard of an NFL official ever losing his job over bad calls? They certainly must be doing what the NFL has instructed them to do. Hell I even watched a game where the ref screwed up the coin toss and let the wrong team kick off. His name is Phil Luckett and she's still an NFL ref. Do you have any idea how much money in Vegas is bet on the coin toss?

    Anything's possible guys, anything.
  7. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    This would explain the consistent "parity" in the NFL today.

    Superbowl hosted in Indianapolis, and Peyton Manning has a "neck injury"? Is it just me or is the NFL trying to keep from having a home superbowl?

    Brandon Marshall running out of bounds after a catch where he probably scores otherwise?

    Tony Sparano sits on the ball with about a minute to go in the half?

    A player the caliber of Matt Moore throws it into the hands of Revis for a "pick six"?

    Something just doesn't add up here, folks...
    unluckyluciano likes this.
  8. firedan

    firedan Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    palm beach county fl
    Grudden went on about that play and there was contact and a jersey pull but there was alot of pushing off and grabbing by both of them all night.I can't say that's why BM fell down tho.
    steveincolorado likes this.
  9. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
    There are a literal ton of examples that I /we could give and anything is possible. That spygate investigation was joke too. Boy they brushed that under the rug quickly and without investigating the four Superbowls that they won using it. The 1919 White Sox scandal in Chicago was over another team catching them cheating, they call it the "black sox scandal". Many people still believe that in their 2nd fight Ali never hit Liston hard enough to knock him out, in fact they still call it the "phantom punch.". In the movie Raging Bull Jake Lamotta admitted that he had to get in bed with the mob to get his title shot.

    The NFL is nothing more than the Billionaires Boys Club and just having enough money to buy a team doesn't automatically mean you can get it. You have to be "APPROVED". I always thought that was a little odd. If you would have told our great grand parents that we would be putting our flag on the moon they would have said it was impossible, and to their great grandparents going to the bathroom inside was impossible. The world is full of "IMPOSSIBLE" things that naive and ignorant people don't believe. Anything, and I do mean anything is possible. There is no tooth fairy gang, and the world can be a big connected scarey place.

    I think a good rule of thumb is this: if there a point spread on it - it's probably fixed.
  10. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
  11. PSG

    PSG Clear Eyes. Full Hearts.

    Nov 24, 2007
    North of the Border
    Dumbest. Thread. Ever.
  12. Darrelle Revis

    Darrelle Revis I BELIEVE!

    Apr 21, 2010
    New York City
    That wasn't even a flag against Revis. Marshall was clearly stumbling down and Revis played the ball the entire time. Result = Pick 6.
  13. CaribPhin

    CaribPhin Guest

    They only won 3. It's very hard to prove it retroactively. They also lost a first round pick as a result. Hell, the US Congress even had hearings.

    Hey guys, I really don't have much proof, so I'll talk about one instance everyone is too young to remember, another instance that not many care about, and something that's completely irrelevant, all in COMPLETELY different sports. You believe the NFL is fixed now right?

    If Hugo Chavez wanted to buy a team, would you let him? If a businessman known for crooked practices and embezzling wanted to buy a team, would you let him? Everyone with money shouldn't own an NFL team. Besides, not all NFL owners are billionaires. Paul Allen is the wealthiest with $13+ billion while Ross is #2. But, Rooney, the owner of the Steelers, is only worth $150 million. Some teams get purchased by groups of investors. Just the other day, Rush Limbaugh was trying to buy the Rams with a group of people.


    Think being the operative word.
    finyank13 likes this.
  14. CaribPhin

    CaribPhin Guest

    1 bad call versus the 99.9% of right calls they make? I suppose Jim Joyce should have been fired for costing the Perfect Game. By their very nature, bad calls are magnified so it always seems like a conspiracy. The human error aspect makes certain a bad call or two will be made. But, the vast majority of calls are correct.

    Luckett didn't mess up the toss. Bettis said Head-Tails and Luckett by rule has to go with the first one.

    steveincolorado likes this.
  15. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010

    No you guys are right it's impossible. Just keep burying your heads deeper and deeper in the sand.

    "Bubba Smith, who played for the Colts in the game, came out and publicly stated that Super Bowl III was "set up" for the Jets to win."

    [SIZE=+1] "For instance, Bubba Smith, a defensive lineman for the Baltimore Colts, had told Playboy that the 1969 Super Bowl, featuring the heroics of New York Jets' quarterback [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=+1]Joe Namath[/SIZE][SIZE=+1], had been fixed; that Carroll Rosenbloom, then the owner of the Colts, had bet against his own team."[/SIZE]

    [h=1]Bubba Smith Always Alleged ’69 Super Bowl Was Fixed

    " several years ago, I received a copy of an FBI-302 report, which detailed the FBI's investigation of NFL referees and game officials. The report stated that "two or three referees" had been paid $100,000 by a New York Mafia figure for their participation in each of eight allegedly fixed games--which I list on page 308 of Interference. The referees' alleged job was to ensure that the unnamed mob figure covered the spread and, thus, won his bets. The referees' names were not mentioned in the FBI report."



    Worst thread ever??
  16. BlameItOnTheHenne

    BlameItOnTheHenne Taking a poop

    Aug 15, 2010

  17. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
    Most of these guys are immature and have no idea how the world is run. There are so many examples of organized crime screwing with everything from boxing matches to super bowls it's dizzying. It's unsettling for people to admit that it's even possible. 95% of people are so closed minded that they could have a full confession and still wouldn't believe it. Behind the scenes of big money everything from Enron, to Worldcom to fixing NFL games is possible and happens on a daily basis. If you build a better mouse trap you'll get a smarter mouse. They are just getting better at hiding it.
  18. Laces Out

    Laces Out Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
    Omaha, Ne
    Isn't it considered a general rule with conspiracies that the more people know about it, the less of a chance it stands to remain a secret? I mean think of the amount of people that have to be in on this......it is truly staggering.

    Don't get me wrong, I think it is possible, but logistically highly unlikely.
  19. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010

    So - let me get this straight. You don't think that there are any individuals with enough power and influence in the mob to fix a game?
  20. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
    Well at least you think its possible, and no one knows for sure. I think if the money was right to pay the right people off they would do it. If it's that or go pump gas somewhere I think a player, coach, or ref would really consider it. I don't think it's like WWF were everything is orchestrated, but I think some games and some plays are fiddled with. All they would have to do would be to pay the coaches to call the wrong plays and watch their own team implode. Paying two people would do it.
  21. steveincolorado

    steveincolorado Spook, Storme & Pebbles

    Mar 23, 2008
    King said it and he is right

    Back in my day, I was getting ready to toss the coin, told the visitor captain (which was a friend) to call it. I tossed the quarter in the air, the captain instead of calling heads or tails, he says "quarter".
  22. Laces Out

    Laces Out Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
    Omaha, Ne
    But where does a guy stop on rigging a game? If you pay one and another player finds out, you just doubled your cost, all the way down the line. For it to work, you almost have to pay a whole team not just one person. Also, what if the person who finds out drops the dime, and it is to say the FBI instead of the league offices? There are just too many variables involved IMO, but again not impossible given the right guy/mindset amongst a team.
  23. steveincolorado

    steveincolorado Spook, Storme & Pebbles

    Mar 23, 2008
    These games are not rigged.

    NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey
    To rig a NFL game you have to pay off how many people?????? 53 players and how many coaches for one team?

    Heck, a bookie or the mob would go broke paying off the players and coaches on our team that screw up!
    siciliansith and unluckyluciano like this.
  25. Ohio Fanatic

    Ohio Fanatic Twuaddle or bust Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Concord, MA
    40 years ago, possibly. These days, with all the intense media coverage and scrutiny, anyone who thinks games are fixed is a complete and utter moron and not in touch with reality. You think you're more mature and see things we do not, butyour track record as a poster clearly proves otherwise. Do us all a favor, stop starting silly threads
  26. #1 fan

    #1 fan Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    It takes one ref. That's it. See Tim Donaghy.
    cobrajet likes this.
  27. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
    I don't think these people are reading this thread. Bubba Smith admitted that a superbowl was fixed, the FBI in 1999 had an open file on NFL corruption and the mafia. THESE ARE FACTS!

    The NFL is NOT a sport, it's a multi national corporation just like those on the stock market who expand in other nations (games in London etc...) The more the NFL can keep teams close in their divisions (parity) the more cities they can sell tickets and hotdogs in, and the more NFL merchandising can be sold off of their website for every team. We need to stop looking at this as a football game and start looking at this for what it is, a business selling a product, just like Enron and Worldcom.

    Look at the big picture. Fixing these games is far bigger than a coin toss, or an example here or there, it is being done so they can sell more of their product in more markets. (parity) Not all games are fixed but all you would have to do fix an NFL game be to pay one ref, or pay one coach. A ref can kill any play and turn the tide of a game and a coach can self destruct his own team by calling the wrong plays, wasting time outs etc... This is not only possible, this is happening. How else do you explain how career coaches, like Sparano keep making stupid calls? If we know they are wrong, don't you think he does?

    Why did Marshall run out of bounds against his momentum instead of running into the endzone and why was he seen laughing and smiling on the sideline? Why was Sparano wasting time outs? Why did we stop blitzing after 1/2 time? Something just doesn't add up here. That games was fixed
  28. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    Yet another glaring example of why keyboards need to be taken away....and ball gags inserted in offenders mouth.....
    Ohio Fanatic and CaribPhin like this.
  29. Ohio Fanatic

    Ohio Fanatic Twuaddle or bust Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Concord, MA
    wow, way to take an already absurd thread to another level of absurdity. The ludicrous idea that only one player, Bubba Smith, would be able to hold onto the secret of the conspiracy you are spewing is so incredibly stupid that I can't believe it's been uttered. You think these athletes are faking competitiveness and drive?
    The NFL is not fixed. wake up.
  30. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
  31. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    In all seriousness though, I do believe this can / may have happened in the past.

    All you really need to do is pay some coordinator to do the worst job imaginable any given week. Practice and implement a "gameplan" that is intentionally faulty. Not really rocket science. Definitely a possibility.

    The idea that the NFL is somehow immutable is narrow-minded to say the least.

    That said, I'm glad if we're being bad on purpose. Even if they're legitimately this bad, then good. Maybe Ross sees the big picture?
  32. Ohio Fanatic

    Ohio Fanatic Twuaddle or bust Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Concord, MA
    while it's possible to see a coordinator do it, I think it's highly unlikely. both players and coaches are playing for their livelihoods every single week. every bad performance diminishes their chances of either tenure for the coach or next contract for the player. Not to mention the leverage they are giving the bookies or mafia. My doubts are even stronger for crappy teams/coaches/players like we have on the dolphins. these guys are literally playing for their careers.

    and to emphasize, we're talking about losing games. shaving points is another matter altogether and one that would be more believable.
  33. muscle979

    muscle979 Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 12, 2007
    Evans, GA
    I don't think last Monday was any kind of conspiracy. I do believe the ref in the Pittsburgh game last season called that controversial play the way he did knowing it would almost certainly ensure a Pittsburgh victory. He ensured possession would not be able to be established thus ensuring Pittsburgh would not lose the ball even if they didn't score.
  34. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Certainly a player could throw or tank a game....or be compromised by hanging with the wrong crowd...thats always been a concern of the NFL (and other Major League Professional Sports)

    See Joe Namath, Paul Hornung, Alex Karras, and Art Schlichter from NFL standpoint and the risks exposed/associated.
  35. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
  36. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009

    I fail to see the point within the context of this thread though.
  37. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010

    George Carlin breaks down the truth about the corporations and in the US, the same ones that are sponsoring our NFL teams and own major interests in the casinos where you bet on the games. They fix the games. These are businesses, not little franchises and they want profits from betting in the casino sports books. Naturally these games are fixed. The government is the NFL, the NFL is big business, big business is the government, they are all run by the same people.

    Watch the whole video but pay special attention from 4.20 to the end . . .

    “you used to a kook, there’s a word, and now you’re a conspiracy buff. It should not even be entertained for a minute that powerful people might get together and have a plan – doesn’t happen, you’re a kook, you’re a conspiracy buff.” .....George Carlin

    “You don’t need a formal conspiracy when interests converge. These people went to the same universities, they have the same attorney’s, they sit on the same board of directors, belong to the same country clubs, they have like interests. They don’t need to call a meeting – they know what’s good for them and they’re getting it.” .....George Carlin

    Keeping us below a certain point spread on Monday night probably made a few million for the sports books in vegas and everyone made out. They are probably betting on points scored per quarter (Brandon steps out of bounds instead of running into the end zone) and making a ton of cash doing it. The fans are the fools that believe this is all real.
  38. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
    If the mob, big business, the NFL and the governments are not all the same why are the taxpayers paying for renovations to Ralph Wilson stadium in Buffalo, AGAIN? Since when does the government fund renovations in the private sector at the tax payers’ expense in ANY business? What makes the NFL so special?

    See the article below. . . .

    Bills seek stadium upgrade

    “. . . the 39-year-old stadium's last significant upgrade, which cost about $63 million US in 1997. That work, also at taxpayer's expense, was done as part of the team's current lease, which runs through July 2013.”

    “Erie County Executive Chris Collins told the AP he is expecting the cost to range anywhere from $40 million to more than $100 million.”

    “Collins is on board with the renovations and expects New York State to foot much of the bill..”

    No wonder the FBI file on fixing NFL games for the mob in 1999 went nowhere and received no media publicity. They are all in it together guys, from the corporations that sponsors the NFL teams, to the corporations that own the casinos, to the mob bookies that set the point spreads, to the people who run our government.

    They are all in it together – they are all the same people
  39. electrolyte

    electrolyte New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
    I am not supporting or denouncing this thread.

    What I will do, though..... is remind everyone how people made fun of the NBA.

    I post on another forum, a basketball forum, and back, way back about -1- year before the Tim Donaghy scandal........a poster came on there and made a long post about how he gambles and bets and he knows for a FACT that the mafia/mob rigs NBA games.

    The whole forum laughed at him, and the thread was closed.

    1 year later, after the Donaghy thing, the moderator of the forum re-opened the thread, bumped it, and everyone owed him an apology. Gambling is a serious problem in sports. I don't know if some NFL games are rigged or not, but I'm just saying don't laugh at the idea.
  40. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    Tax revenue and negotiated fixed income streams to the contributing governments. Put money in, get money out. I think that sports franchises should generally foot their own bill, but there's definitely something in it for the government when they contribute money to a stadium.

    As for whether or not the games are fixed… I doubt it. You can fix games in the NBA because of free throws and fouls; what's the equivalent in the NFL? Yeah, there are phantom penalty calls, but I don't really see a real-life Buffalo Wild Wings commercial going on in NFL games. There are arguable calls based on interpretations of rules—like the idiotic Calvin Johnson rule fostered on us by Mike Pereira, good riddance—but I've never come away from an NFL game thinking "Wow, that was rigged."

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