Ronin's Post Chiefs Thoughts

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by RoninFin4, Sep 21, 2014.

  1. RoninFin4

    RoninFin4 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Well Dolfans, that was a tough pill to swallow. I was friends with the QB of UD's football team. After a bad loss early in the season, I asked him what he thought about the game. His response was, "You can't polish a turd." Fortunately, UD's team got it turned around and went on to knock off the University of San Diego - then coached by Jim Harbaugh - on their way to defeating the University of Albany - whose center was Tony Sparano's son - on their way to winning the I-AA, non-mid major National Championship.

    Unfortunately, the Miami Dolphins are more like the scene in "We Were Soldiers" where the director in Washington says, "My God, there's no hiding it now." when Mel Gibson calls in "Broken Arrow". There's not much hiding the Dolphins can really do. I saw RockyRaccoon posting that there was no defending Joe Philbin after today's game. That's how I know it's bad as Rocky and I have battled before in these boards re: Joe Philbin. While I wanted him removed after last year's defeat I grew somewhat optimistic after week 1 this year; I should have known better by halftime of the Buffalo game. Same old Dolphins.

    I'll keep it simple this week and just list the Good, Bad, and Awful. Sorry for not posting after last week's game, but I had...well still am...traveling quite a bit for work and was too tired to really care about the review last week. Today though, today, it was bad and I think it's worth pointing out certain things to indicate how bad it really is. Here goes.

    - Earl Mitchell. This signing is a coup and he's been absolutely fantastic so far. Easily the best/most consistent player over 3 games.
    - Lamar Miller. 2nd career 100 yard game and I thought he was pretty decisive in his runs today.
    - Mike Wallace. He gets a lot of flak on here, from me included, but he seemed like he was about the only player on offense that cared today.
    - Randy Starks. Savvy vet and just a pro's pro. Jared Odrick is the team's 3rd best DT, and I'd argue by a good margin behind Mitchell and Starks.
    - Derrick Shelby. Was about as good as Olivier Vernon was today.
    - Philip Wheeler actually played pretty well today if you cared to watch.
    - *Edit* - one late addition, with a caveat. Jelani Jenkins, when playing downhill is pretty good. His coverage is not there though.

    - Branden Albert & Ja'Wuan James. Tough task today and they both got beat. James in particular struggled with Justin Houston's bull-rush.
    - Samson Satele. Anyone suggesting moving Mike Pouncey should move to guard is WAY offbase. He struggled today.
    - Dallas Thomas...from play to play...what is he doing? He's either a catastrophe or stays on his man just long enough.
    - Brian Hartline. Meeeoooowwww. That's all that need be said. Terrible celebration, take notes.
    - Brent Grimes missed like 5 tackles today and hasn't really looked right, IMO, so far this year. I hope this isn't the beginning of his decline.
    - Will Davis aka "China Doll". He is SOFT. Gutless effort on Davis' 1st half TD.
    - Joe Philbin's post-game presser was epic. No, seriously, it was epic...for Joe Philbin.

    - Bill Lazor's play-calling was absolute dog$h!t today. Miami, chiefly Ryan Tannehill, did not execute well at all, but Lazor certainly did no favors with his play-calling. The screen pass after getting the ball back after the safety was the epitome of him today. How much these plays are "on" Tannehill is a factor, but if that's what Tannehill's checking to...or keeping...yikes. Mike Sherman cracked a cold one with his feet up today.
    - Ryan Tannehill. I think this experiment is over. His pocket presence is awful, his feet are awful, his reads for the most part were awful. He didn't even turn the ball over and was awful. Watching Russell Wilson and Peyton Manning do battle in the background really drove home the point for me that Tannehill is not the guy. Sorry folks.
    - Kevin Coyle is a master of out-thinking himself. I'm sure you've seen Adam Beasley's tweets by now about the players being "irate". But, seriously, what in the world are you doing having guys like Cameron Wake and Olivier Vernon BOTH dropping into short zone coverage on 3rd downs. Why would you bastardize your pass-rush by making Wake try and cover an athlete like McKnight in space.
    - As bad as Philip Wheeler and Dannell Ellerbe were in games at times last year, Jimmy Wilson made them look like pro bowlers today. He was a catastrophe on damn near every play. He CAN'T tackle and takes bad angles ALL THE TIME.
    - Louis Delmas was just about as bad today.
    - Tom Garfinkel. Shouldn't you do an "AquaOut" when the team wears...oh, I dunno, AQUA? How about a "WhiteOut"? Or is that not PC enough? Either way, there were a bunch of people dressed like orange seats even before the mass exodus.
    - Joe Philbin. What in the blue hell does he bring to the table? He's not an X's and O's guy. He's not a play-caller. He's not a motivator. His background is in the O-line, which had it's worst year in history last year. Just about every unit that's performing poorly is coached by someone he's handpicked - QBs = Zach Taylor, WRs = Ken O'Keefe, DBs = Lou Anarumo. Last year the offense was dialed up by Mike Sherman and the O-line was coached by Jim Turner. If his supposed strength is/was organization, from the top down, there's not much to like there. Kacy Rodgers has the best unit, and he's not one of Philbin's hires; he's a holdover.

    In short, there's not a lot that you can take positively out of this game. I think you look at the big picture, and I'm left with the conclusion that I had at the end of last season, Joe Philbin should not be the coach of the Miami Dolphins. He's 16-19. In Miami's last 5 games he's 1-4 and the team has been outscored 122-65. More than half of those 65 points came in the New England game week 1 of this season (33). After the game Adam Beasley is reporting that players are questioning the game plan and adjustments made on defense. As an aside, watching some of the better defenses out there - Seattle, SF, Arizona, Carolina, Denver - most of them play relatively simplistic schemes and are just sound; I feel like Coyle's trying to get too cute and this team is about as FAR fundamentally unsound as you can get. I'm watching Luke Kuechly and longing for the days of having Zach Thomas raging around sideline to sideline...slash thinking about what might have been. If you really think about it, how about this: Miami's taken Ted Ginn and Ryan Tannehill over Patrick Willis and Luke Kuechly. Just to pile on to try and flush this all out of my system today, Ryan Tannehill to this point is on pace for career lows in completion percentage (56.5%), passer rating (74.1%), and yards per attempt (5.0).

    On top of that we've seen questionable clock management decisions and him coaching not to lose - 1st half last week, 1st half this week...if you remember the 1st half of the Carolina game last year - get the theme? It's going to get worse before it gets better folks, as I think today's game is more akin to the first compartment flooding on the Titanic (the iceberg was the Buffalo and Jets games to close out 2014). Who knows, maybe Miami will leave him at Wembley when they leave London next week.

    With that, I'll sign off as I'm really not sure how to continue this. At least I got to enjoy Octoberfest last night.
  2. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Windsor, ON. CANADA
    To me, this about summed it up today right from the get go. What a massive failure. Couldnt believe it, we promote Aqua out, and handing out aqua t-shirts, and the team wears all white. Unbelievable. The team just played right along with the failure. Still as if the organization is just completely disconnected from top to bottom.

    As always thanks for the analysis. Agree with most, if not all of it.
    Bpk, MAFishFan, ASOT and 1 other person like this.
  3. Dolphans Unite!

    Dolphans Unite! Banned

    Aug 17, 2014
    The "aqua out" with the team wearing all white shows you just how disjointed this franchise really is.
    ASOT and RoninFin4 like this.
  4. JimToss

    JimToss Thank You Chad Pennington

    Oct 11, 2009
    I'm very disappointed, I really think that would be one of the insignificant details that Philbin would excel at correcting.

    Thanks for the write up Ronin...but damn it anyway.
    Bpk likes this.
  5. Griese's Glasses

    Griese's Glasses Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2013
    Ottawa, ON
    If this is truly the case then we need to get the ball moving asap to either be in a position to get an early pick in the next draft or figure out what we're going to do with Tannehill and Moore. We definitely can't walk into next season with both of them still around. Tannehill's reputation has been dismantled to the point where no one will give us anything for him...but Moore still has some perceived value, we could trade him later in the season to a QB starved team and maybe get a decent pick in return. Whatever you do, don't let Moore play otherwise we'll have 2 QBs that mean nothing in the trade market.
    MAFishFan likes this.
  6. phinsjn

    phinsjn New Member

    Sep 21, 2014
    hamilton canada
    just awful today. D let some big plays up but they also made plays. Juice with that 72 yard return and you settle for 3 points, before the half you settle for 3 points just awful you need touchdowns. Rizzi as intern coach players will play for him. disgusting performance with all there injuries you get embarrassed at home wow just wow. I actually started laughing at one point.
  7. RoninFin4

    RoninFin4 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Well, Moore is a free agent after this season. Dawn Aponte looks like a genius in hindsight going back to Hard Knocks when she and Tannehill were at odds about offset language. I think at the very least, you have Tannehill compete with whomever is brought in. At the very least. I'm not a big fan of most of the QBs that would be coming out in the 2015 Draft.
    phinsjn likes this.
  8. JShady

    JShady Miami Heat lover

    Sep 8, 2013
    Jameis Winston baby, free snow crab legs for errrrieeee body!!!
  9. dWreck

    dWreck formerly dcaf

    Oct 23, 2011
    Sebring, FL
    Can't say I disagree with anything here.

  10. RoninFin4

    RoninFin4 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    I need to watch more of the QBs play. I like Winston more than Mariota. Conner Cook bears watching more, and I think Sean Mannion is a solid mid-rounder. None of them really excite me that much. Christian Hackenberg, for my money, is probably my favorite college QB at this point.
  11. phinswolverinesrockets

    phinswolverinesrockets If he dies, he dies

    Oct 31, 2013
    I'll say it again...we are #1 in the entire NFL in rushing yards per attempt. This is what we do well. We ran the ball damn near 40 times in week 1 and won. Since week 1, we have decided that we are a passing team. The only problem is we suck at passing. There is our season in a nutshell. Our coaches are idiots and our QB is below mediocre.
    MAFishFan likes this.
  12. JShady

    JShady Miami Heat lover

    Sep 8, 2013
    I say lets focus 2015 on linebackers, god knows we need all the help in that department.#byebyeWheelerandEllerbe
  13. CitizenSnips

    CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    i don't see where tannehill was awful in this game. Pocket awareness wasn't great but the drops by the wrs killed drives and Lazor's playcalling was just absurd. But whatever, lets cut him and he'll go make the playoffs for the texans or something.
  14. PhinFan1968

    PhinFan1968 To 2020, and BEYOND! Club Member

    You know...I got that same feeling for all of the first half, and some of the second half, but it seemed he destructed late.

    I'd LOVE to see some true, real, unbiased professional analysis of how he did. Beat-writers and fans don't count as the end-all info, we're biased one way or the other. Is there a site that doesn't just say, "derrr his QB rating was bla bla, horrible day" and actually looks at the play within the scope of everything that was going on (separation, line, read) besides PFF?
    dolfan22 likes this.
  15. JShady

    JShady Miami Heat lover

    Sep 8, 2013
    So you were okay with him throwing the ball deep down the field out of bounds than running for the first down which he could have done easily? He showed me today that as of right now, he will never be a franchise quarterback. He will be one hell of a backup though.
    LI phinfan likes this.
  16. CitizenSnips

    CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    Im more so upset with ****ing Lazor for calling pass plays instead of a ****ing run up the middle on 2nd and 1 and then 3rd and 1.
  17. CitizenSnips

    CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    PFF. thats kind of the point of them.
  18. PhinFan1968

    PhinFan1968 To 2020, and BEYOND! Club Member

    Ya but their stuff just gets trashed by all the "experts" around here...unless it's a good rating on somebody they thought was good, then they'll agree with it.
    MrClean likes this.
  19. jaymoney

    jaymoney it's magic baby

    Mar 15, 2013
    That's all i can say.
  20. JShady

    JShady Miami Heat lover

    Sep 8, 2013
    I can't disagree with you on this one. You're right.
  21. LI phinfan

    LI phinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    He could have run for the first down easily...He could have hit a wide open Gibson running free easily. Instead he throws a pass off one foot down the field 5-7 yrds out of bounds! He must be the most athletic QB ever not to make an athlethic play. Its as if he refuses to run...baffled.
  22. Arodgers12

    Arodgers12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2010
    Just wait till you play us. That will get your team on a roll. We only put up 7 points against a bad Detroit team. You guys played a KC team that won 11 games last year. Your in a slump but you guys will get out of it. You will be fine.
  23. RoninFin4

    RoninFin4 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    You want Philbin back?
    GreysonWinfield likes this.
  24. Arodgers12

    Arodgers12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2010
    Sure maybe as our D coordinator lol. I would take him back.
  25. gilv13

    gilv13 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2009
    The Pack beat us by 20.
  26. Killer Bees

    Killer Bees Bringin' the Ruckus

    Aug 14, 2011
    We really lost the game when we were only down by 6 with a little over 8 minutes left. Driving, just got into their territory and on 3rd and less than 1 we run play-action and take a sack. We were running the ball all game and we call play-action there? Bull****, then they drain the clock and score a TD.
  27. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    I don't know what was sadder- the team wearing white on "aqua out" or the fans not appearing to give a sh*t either. Granted, I wasn't in the stadium, but every time they had a shot of the stands I kept thinking "isn't this supposed to be an aqua out?"
    xphinfanx and LI phinfan like this.
  28. LI phinfan

    LI phinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    I saw the same thing. Really make me feel sad and embarrassed. If anyone had not heard about the "aqua out", who would have guessed it was even taking place??!!

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