Draft Prospect Videos

Discussion in 'NFL Draft Forum' started by wakeupitsfootball, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. wakeupitsfootball

    wakeupitsfootball Master Pimp

    Feb 8, 2013
    Hey guys,

    In case anyone is interested, I have draft prospect videos posted up on youtube and will continue to post them up in the future. I'll be putting up a Jordan Matthews video later today. Feel free to comment and debate as well. The link to my channel will be below.

    djphinfan and BuckeyeKing like this.
  2. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
    Good stuff man.
    wakeupitsfootball likes this.
  3. ToddPhin

    ToddPhin Premium Member Luxury Box Club Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    Thanks for the contribution man. If I have one gripe it's that Sammy Watkins' video should be scrapped and redone. There are no cons to his game, including your notion of maturity issues. Sammy's ability to play the ball in the air [including jump balls] is a strength, and he certainly does have some elusiveness and can make guys miss in space. To label it a negative just b/c it's not quite on the Patterson/Austin level is kinda silly WADR. That'd be like calling Randall Cobb slow just b/c he doesn't have Mike Wallace speed.
  4. wakeupitsfootball

    wakeupitsfootball Master Pimp

    Feb 8, 2013
    People have told me I need to remake that video because of his performance at the Orange Bowl. From the tape I watched before, I noticed that the opportunities he had when it came up to jump up for the ball with a defender right on his side usually resulted with the ball falling incomplete. The Orange Bowl seemed like a completely different story. As for his elusiveness, I can also see what you're saying. I just felt like his speed and acceleration are so great that I never really recognized to many times where he would attempt to juke or elude defenders with movement. Perhaps I should go back and watch more on him.
  5. ToddPhin

    ToddPhin Premium Member Luxury Box Club Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    I'm just saying this as a guy who has seen every single one of his snaps. The only knock on him as far as a top 10 pick receivers go is he lacks elite size. Other than that he's a complete receiver who plays like he's 6'2 215.

    The arrest thing was just a dumb lapse in judgement; otherwise he's a major class act and arrived at Clemson already having an incredibly high level of maturity. That was the reason for his blast off from day 1 as a freshman. It was b/c of his maturity and insane work ethic. The work he put in as a freshman and even before he arrived on campus basically had him prepared as if he were a junior. He's set the bar for which all other Clemson players are measured in that regard. Now everything is a Sammy Watkins reference. Every kid that wants to play as a freshman, especially early enrollees, mention how they wanna work as hard as Sammy did to get on the field early and contribute, b/c they all know it's not just gonna be handed to them.
    wakeupitsfootball likes this.

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