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Could use your advice

Discussion in 'Jobs Forum' started by Jaj, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    Thanks in advance. I left a mid-tier law school about a month ago (hated it, hated the profession not just the first year and I wasn't in the highest percentage of the class), just was a poor choice. I left on a medical leave due to general anxiety problems that I hadn't taken care of previous to school.

    Most frustrating aspect has been having to explain this to a close-knit community back home (I.E. a cluster**** of I want a rich lawyer/doctor *****es back home). I've stopped even caring to explain.

    Note: I have been working and immediately found a job working at a venture capital firm that produces medical devices for dealing with neurological disorders. Its future looks promising and I plan on getting a business degree to further my career, but not only is it all really just uncertain right now and I'm grasping at what I can, the frustration of that failure isn't so much in me it's in the constant frown I get from home and those I was around.

    If this should have been in the lounge, my apologies.
    Boik14 likes this.
  2. cdz12250

    cdz12250 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Coconut Grove
    Tell them that it's your life and that at this point in the recession a law degree is no guarantee of being rich. On the contrary; the firm in which I am a partner hires first-years in the top 10% of their classes at mid-tier law schools at $60,000 a year. Is that worth carrying 160 grand of law school debt? Law graduates are a dime a dozen these days. Chances are that unless you are very fortunate, what the job gets you is a couple of decades of serious struggle unless you get Biglaw, and if you were on that track and your law school were able to put you there you wouldn't have left. People are suing law schools because they were not told of the economic reality awaiting their graduates. Use your head and go for what you want, what turns you on, what you are naturally good at, and most importantly what interests you enough to spend the time and effort to become great at it. The money will follow. Other peoples' expectations will get you nothing but more of the same grief you're experiencing right now. From the outset, I question the validity of chicks whose priority is to land a rich doctor or lawyer anyway. Screw them. They don't know the reality of present conditions in the law industry. Live for YOU. You can always finish law school in a good night program.
    sws84 and Boik14 like this.
  3. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    Thanks dude. The advice for myself I've been able to process and accept but it never hurts to hear a little reassurance from someone who has a grasp on what the actual situation is. As far as the rest of them, I'm tired of even explaining it. The hell do I owe them? Having that situation lifted off my shoulders was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I'm getting close to that salary and have opportunities to take on a bigger role soon, plus perhaps get my MBA, get further into a field I'm actually very interested in (which I wanted to a long time ago, don't know why I got side-tracked).

    As for the chicks with those priorities. It's a cultural thing especially. It's not just marry the rich guy but there's a tremendous amount of abnormal outside pressure to become that sugar daddy that gets a favorable paycheck right around the late 20s, marry us off and basically use the money to justify the fact that you married me for money. It's very ugly.
  4. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Get your MBA...

    ...and sweep the leg.
  5. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    Law profession these days is pretty overcrowded as CDZ said. My sister was fortunate to be at the top of her class (top 2%) from a great law school but unless youre at the very top like the select few, youre up the creak. I watched many of my friends and many of her friends who graduated good schools drop it like a bad habit within a few years. Its not for everyone. Getting through the reading is a serious commitment and the long hours are just not for everyone.

    I personally graduated with a degree in Journalism (concentration in advertising), a minor in business and that was after changing majors 7 times. Yep, take it from someone who knows. Sometimes its just the undergraduate and finding what makes you happy from there. I'm pretty happy doing sales, writing and finding projects to work on in my spare time.

    Law school seems like more of a prestige thing, like hey, I did it too nowadays. However its really overcrowding the profession unless youre at a top tier firm. Your best bet for getting paid imo right now is your own ideas and innovations. Come up with a business idea, come up with a project you can do something with. Degrees are nice, happiness and money are king though in that order. You can always get a degree once you have money and hey if you have money you can always be a sugar daddy which will make you happy :lol:
  6. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    Thanks for the responses guys.

    I might be able to sneak into a MS/MBA program for the fall and further my role either in the VC I work in or a larger corporation. Weird thing this life.
  7. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    That is a much better answer than what I was about to give, which was alcohol.
  8. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    As someone who gets weird looks when I tell people my major, computer science, I can tell you, you might as well get used to it, and do whatever the hell you want. My major isn't exactly well known, and not a lot of people are impressed with it, so I've just learned to blow off the unimpressed, as I enjoy my major. I think its one of a kind.
  9. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009

    Same here. I just tell chicks I'm a doctor and so it's okay to be naked in front of me. It's a good ice breaker and things usually go up from there... up until I tell them that I'm not actually a doctor.
  10. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    so.you're not a doctor? *puts shirt back on*

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