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heart broken again

Discussion in 'Outreach Forum' started by Kanye West, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. Kanye West

    Kanye West 'Parcells' Guy

    Mar 23, 2008
    So me and my girlfriend broke up last month or so and i was heart broken after it. I was crushed. I mean I had been going out with her for 9 months which isn't the longest time but we but we had been through a lot and after nine months of having some where there for you all the time it is weird and lonely to not have here there for me any more. I dont really have any family in MD because they all moved down to NC so she was pretty much a lot of what i had up in MD. But any way i started to get over it I gave my number to a few girls and I was talking to them and to help me get my mind off my ex-girl friend I would go to the gym and leave my phone at home and just try to disconnect myself from her as much as possible. Sense I would go to the gym a lot I wouldn't be up late because I was tired.

    But earlier this week she started texting me and calling me. But i didn't have my phone and when I did have my phone I would text her back but it would be like a one or two word text. Then she got mad at me because she thought I was blowing her off and sent me a long text saying she wanted to get back together but she didn't know if she did anymore because I was blowing her off she thought. Well when she sent me that text message about her wanting to get back together and her saying I pretty much ruined that because I wouldnt get back to her quick enough when I didnt have my phone.....all the old feelings that I thought I had gotten rid of came back and ever sense she sent me that message on Wednesday I have been trying to get back on her good side. So yesterday she needed me to do something for her and she made me cancel all my plans that I had with my friends. So I could do this favor for her and if I did this I could see her and we could talk about getting back together. So I do it and then I was suppose to see her last night but she was to tired and then I asked if I could see her tonight and she said that she no because she had plans. So I told her that all I do is want to see her and talk and she couldnt even do that for me. She said that she didnt want to see me. So I had my hopes up to see the girl that I love again and that we would get back together but thats not going to happen so it feels like we broke up all over again and it feels like im at when we first broke up. I feel heart broken and depressed. This just happened and im really in a bad place. I am half angry at myself for being played like I got played and Im really sad I can stop crying and being upset. Sorry if this doesnt make sense...I just had to get this out.
  2. RGF

    RGF THE FINSTER Club Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Wow.......You probably already know this but you may need to actually hear it..This girl is playing you big time!!!! And she loves the fact she can control your emotions and everything else you do.

    Girls will NEVER be attracted to someone they can control! Got that ?? They need a challenge,someone who is actually beyond their present reach. When a girl gets too comfortable in a relationship the excitement dies down and they get bored. Did you ever wonder why a lot of girls are attracted to a-holes ? Its because they sense those guys are confident enough in themselves to be different and not act like a wimp just to impress the ladies.

    Believe it or not - girls DONT want you to shower them with gifts,flowers,dinners and to be up their *** 24/7. They prefer some sort of mysterious attraction to keep them interested. Most guys try to do the right thing and be there for their girlfriends and treat them with respect and to just over all be a good guy. Women get bored with this. Dude,its messed up, women are messed up. My advice to you is - text her ,dont even call her, but text her and say- " I`ve been thinking a lot lately and I decided I`m done with all your game playing and nonsense. I`ve moved on! I realize now you just aint worth it"..... And thats it,nothing more and nothing less. That will show her you dont have the insecurities she thinks you have. Guarantee her attitude will change. Then the balls in your court where it belongs. Be secure with yourself and have confidence. THATS what attracts the ladies. Good Luck
    Kanye West and MikeHoncho like this.
  3. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    yeah man text her a big **** off, and be done with that bro. Shes playing you. My spidey sense tells me she probably broke up with whomever recently and thats why she started texting you again, and now they are working on getting back together. Sorry to hear this bro. Time to go out with the boys, drink some beer, chase women, and just relax.
    Kanye West, Boik14 and MikeHoncho like this.
  4. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    What a total *****. She used you man. I would forget she exists and go on with your life.
    Bang as much gash as you can for comfort and move on.
    Eventually someone much,much better will come down the pike.
    Be strong and good luck!
    Kanye West likes this.
  5. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    and don't feel bad. I don't care what anyone says, every male on earth has been played by a woman. Face it, we're stupid when it comes to women...... So don't be too hard on yourself.
    Stitches, Kanye West, GISH and 3 others like this.
  6. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    You stop making sense, right now!
  7. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Right, because the blood just ain't getting where it needs to be when we make these decisions.
  8. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Agree with everyone else. Sorry to read that Steve but you just gotta move on, pimpin.
    Kanye West likes this.
  9. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    Is this the same gal you were talking about at the end of October? You might want to go back and read the stuff you wrote then and all the answers back then.

    I don't want to generalize all woman's behavior based on this gal, BUT this one is playing you, walk, no run away.Cut off all contact with her even if it seems rude. The behavior you decribe is manipulative at its worst. Flee!!!!!

    I am sorry it happened and wish you better luck.
    Kanye West likes this.
  10. RGF

    RGF THE FINSTER Club Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Sorry, I dont know what came over me.:confused2: Dont worry I`ll be back to my senseless banter in no time. :hi5:
    MikeHoncho likes this.
  11. daphins

    daphins A-Style

    Mar 22, 2008
    Yeah dude, go with what the above said. That's F'ed up to the max. Easy to say from here, but that girl's not worth your time. TRUST me on this...NO GIRL is worth your self respect. Act in such a manner that in a few years you can look back and be proud of yourself, rather than looking back and saying "Man I was a ***** with no spine". We've all been there.....if I have one regret it's that I let my ex's ex (follow that?) trash me to my face. Not to say that I didn't give him an earful, but I took the high road thinking "meh, i got the girl" when really I should have been laying my fist into his ****ing face.

    NOBODY, no matter how hot, sweet, smart, special, etc. is worth your self respect. Women will leave, but you always have to live with yourself. That's a really tough lesson to learn, but the sooner you do you'll be better for it.

    I suggest getting a plan in place for when you get that "urge" to call her. Instead of calling her, call your friends, or you parents, or whomever but NOT her. I'll tell you this, I've gone around and around with a girl two times now, and the best we've ever been is when I said "**** this", left, and didn't contact her. She emails, she texts, I'll respond.........when I have time :)
    Kanye West likes this.
  12. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Girls get off on the fact that they can manipulate men even after they break up with them. Some do it to be evil. But I've known even some girls who were typically not evil sea hags to pick the scabs after a break up. They don't like the idea that a guy can get over them. Makes them feel bad about themselves. So they string you along a bit creating false hope. You can do better. If you're ever going to get over her you need a clean break. Cut yourself off from her and burn the bridge with some gas and a match. Good luck!
    Kanye West likes this.
  13. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    Hey man. I normally don't believe in an eye for an eye, but I would play along with this girl, and after you *see* her and you are done, zip up and say, "You know what, you aren't as good as I remembered, I've had better since. Lose my phone number and have a good life." Then leave and don't look back. Ok, maybe once to snap a quick photo of here face with your cell phone because it will surely be priceless. :shifty:

    She is playing you bad man. The only thing you can do is tell her where to go. Eventually, whether it be in the near or far future, she will realize that she let something good go.

    Move on.
    Kanye West likes this.
  14. GISH


    Nov 23, 2007
    Over Yonder
    It sucks now, but soon you'll realize how much better off you are now. Better yet, you're going to be more aware and conscious of what is best for you moving forward. I hate playing games. Unfortunately lots of people play games and will hurt you. Just make the next one prove herself completely. Assume shes playing you until proven otherwise.
    Kanye West likes this.
  15. Kanye West

    Kanye West 'Parcells' Guy

    Mar 23, 2008
    So the past few days I have been at the gym and at work just trying to keep my mind off of her. But one of the ways I have tried to forget about her is to just not have my phone on me at all. So if anybody had called me i obviously wouldn't pick up and I wouldn't be tempted to text or call her and I have been sleeping at my dads house so I wouldnt even be near my phone. So today i finally today I looked at my phone and I have a text message from her saying " I have something to tell you." and that was at 9:55 last night. So at 4:50 I text her back saying that I hadn't been near my phone ans she said well im not telling you what I had to tell you now and I texted her back saying why and told her just to tell me and then she said she isnt going to tell me. This is going to bother the **** out of me till she tells me. When I didnt have my phone near me I realized I didnt need her and it was her loss but every time she texts me all the feelings that I had for her come back and me realizing that I dont need her that feeling fades.
  16. daphins

    daphins A-Style

    Mar 22, 2008
    Don't put up with that ****. She's shown he true colors and is still trying to twist the knife. It's hour life, and you control who you share it with, and in what capacity. Get control of it, and tell her y'all are done and not to try to contact you. Wish her good luck in the future, and thanks for the past.

    Then stick to your guns...don't call, don't text, don't write. Just cut it off. There's honestly nothing she can tell you that will heal you. That comes entirely from the inside. You're toeing the line of looking back at yourself and being disappointed in yourself. Been there, be careful.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Kanye West likes this.
  17. Conuficus

    Conuficus Premium Member Luxury Box

    Dec 8, 2007
    Well away from here
    Dude. Don't respond. Period. Who gives a **** what she has to say.

    Seriously. Been there done that. She knows what she's doing and you playing along is not helping.

    Who cares if she calls, texts or whatever - you don't have to respond. Just 'cause some girl hits on you doesn't mean you marry her right? Same thing here. So she sent a message. Move on.

    The only bit of solice you'll ever get is when you just move on. That is the only thing that irks a woman - when she finds out you are actually in fact better off without her. Now, get moving to accomplish that last part. :up:
    Kanye West likes this.
  18. GISH


    Nov 23, 2007
    Over Yonder
    thats is very true. i went through this with my most recent ex. when i told her how many people told me i was better off without her, all of the sudden she cared what i thought of her and tried desperately to clear her conscience of the wrong things she did to me. after she finally got on decent terms with me, she reverted directly back to the way she was before. all the while i kept driving home the point of how happy i am now.

    rbt, only you know whether she is worth the BS or not. im guessing it isnt. she is being very immature and inconsiderate in her actions as you have described them. imo, your best option is to kindly tell her you wont be responding to any further messages, and then never talk to her again.
    Kanye West likes this.
  19. daphins

    daphins A-Style

    Mar 22, 2008
    Or wave your bling at her cookie cutter home in suburbia while you roll by in your Nissan Skyline GTR with the super model wife you reeled in a few years later..........god that feels good...
    GISH likes this.
  20. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    Dude, it's early and emotions are still raw. So this is understandable.

    But every last one of us sees EXACTLY what is going on. It might as well be plastered on a billboard.


    If she 'really' wanted you back she wouldn't be playing games. She is ****ing with you bad right now and it's getting to the point of embarrassment.

    It's not going to happen with her again. Nobody who truly cares about you would hurt you like this. So the sooner you tell her to get lost, the closer you'll be to getting over all this. You were on your way. You've already ripped the band-aid off, stop letting her pick the scab.

    We've all been thru it. So trust us. Tell her to **** off, cut off all contact and get your manhood back.

    And if you really want to do it right and liberate yourself, block her number and delete it from your phone. You'll end things with the last word, the upper hand and she'll absolutely burn over it. Plus you get your phone back. ;)
    Kanye West likes this.
  21. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    Look, RBT, I'm an old guy wiothout any of the experiance in modern dating that the others have BUT I CAN SEE what she is doing. Read your last note again as if you were reading someone else's post and think about what counsel you would give? You would say run, right? Take your own advice. Get a new cell phone number and give it to all your friends except her. Write her out of your life, this one is very bad news!
    Kanye West likes this.
  22. jason8er

    jason8er Luxury Box Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Beaufort, SC
    Please tell us that this one is the last straw......please!

    There is no way you could possibly have ANY respect or trust left for this woman. Those are about as important as two components get for a REAL relationship to work. Which tells me that you are hanging on to a "body" for comfort, and not "her", as a person. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can move on and hit the ignore button.

    A huge warning though!!!! Ignoring this one will surely put her back on offense, and she may even get aggressive about it. You better stay strong, and stick to your guns. If you don't, you're back to feeling like **** again.

    Awesome! Do this TO...DAY bro.
    Kanye West likes this.
  23. Kanye West

    Kanye West 'Parcells' Guy

    Mar 23, 2008
    So I told her yesterday that I didnt really care what she had to tell me and I left my phone at home and go to the gym. I get back and I see 15 texts from her telling me she is going out with another guy, and then the rest of the texts were telling me that she is happy she is going out with him and not me......so I didnt respond. Then I wake up this morning and she was texting me telling me how im being stupid and not responding or answering her calls. I still havent responded to anything she has said. This isnt fun at all.
  24. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    She just wants attention bro and to make you jealous. If you think you want to try again with her, tell her look, make a decision, date me and only me, otherwise bounce. I don't want to hear from you, i dont want to know you, I don't care if you're dating someone else. If you don't want to be with her then just keep doing what you're doing. You're doing good bro, better then I would have lol. And fyi shes being a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggeeeeeee ***** with you right now, and make no mistake her trying to throw that other guy in your face is not right.
    Kanye West likes this.
  25. daphins

    daphins A-Style

    Mar 22, 2008
    **** that! There is NO WAY he should even consider giving this ***** another chance. She's gone over the top, and there's not a chance in he'll he could ever trust her. This is the definition of showing her true colors, and he needs to walk away and cut her off. You don't dig someone like that and retain the right to be in their life. Only way to get on is to get out.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Kanye West and Stitches like this.
  26. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    Yea, she's being a huge *****. Even if you want to get back with her, don't do it. I felt the same way after my first serious relationship. She treated me like crap towards the end, and I felt like I was the one who had done wrong (when we did go on a "break) so I tried to make it all better. But I didn't do a damn thing wrong, and you shouldn't have to bend over backwards for anyone, especially if you have even an inkling of doubt that they wouldn't bend over backwards for you (no euphemism intended).

    Just don't reply to her, if you can don't even read her texts. Just let it go. If you have to do anything, write a big long letter to her (or short, whatever) that lets her know how you feel about everything that's happened between you (feel free to emphasize the ****ty things she's done). And let that be the last time you ever write about her or address her or anything. Let her sit and stew on that, then maybe she'll realize what a ***** she's been.
    Kanye West likes this.
  27. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    I never said he should. But if he wants to.......................... then thats his prerogative. I'd just rather he does it right v doing it wrong and she just has him on the side like a punk thats all. You're lecturing the wrong guy ese.
  28. Fishweiser

    Fishweiser New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Sounds like you hit a nerve on her.....She feels you slipping away, and some of her ego is being sucked away with it all. Think of it this way,...your actually doing her a favor. Shes probably used to getting her way with games like this. She will continue to be this way til she "grows" out of it. As with any growing, theres growing pains, so yeah she'll kick and scream some because she cant have you wrapped around her finger.....Hell, sounds like you yourself are trying to grow away from being treated like shes treating you, and your experincing some of these "growing pains" as well. .......You both will benefit by putting your foot down, just gotta fight through the pains and everything will be fine.
    GISH, shula_guy, Muck and 1 other person like this.
  29. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    this exactly. Its all ego for her it sounds like.
    Fishweiser likes this.
  30. Kanye West

    Kanye West 'Parcells' Guy

    Mar 23, 2008
    I think I am just going to leave alone for a few days she can text me all she wants and it wont matter because I wont be there to answer my phone. Tell me if I'm wrong but I honestly think she still likes me because why would she keep texting me like this if she didnt? I mean honestly I could careless if she has a new boyfriend, I tried my best, I gave her everything i had every day and she will never ever find anyone better then me. Sorry if that seems cocky but right now i got to keep telling myself im the best she has ever had because I am, she will never have anyone better then me. or even close. I got my confidence back. Not trying to sound like Kanye West or Muhammad Ali but those are some confident guys right there and Im just trying to have the mind set I think they would have. I really am better then anyone she will ever have, Im sure she will realize that...maybe. So Im just going to leave my phone a lone for a few days do what I need to do and maybe when I get back to my phine she would of cooled down by then.
    GISH, shula_guy and jason8er like this.
  31. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    Brother you are on the right track. Just one day at a time. Don't worry about a few days from now. Keep the upper hand and your dignity and just resolve never to speak to her again. She's giving you the opportunity to end it on YOUR terms now, even if it doesn't feel like that at the moment. Be strong and years from now, when you've long gotten over this, you'll look back at the situation with pride.

    Keep in mind that even though they're all crazy to some extent, there is a woman out there that will appreciate you and treat you the way you treat her.

    Be strong and when you get back, block this chick's number! Out of sight, out of mind. :)
    jason8er and Fishweiser like this.
  32. Fishweiser

    Fishweiser New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    "Tell me if I'm wrong but I honestly think she still likes me because why would she keep texting me like this if she didnt? "

    Ask yourself this "Does it really matter??....Really?"....This isnt going to be a walk through the park for you at all. When ever a question like that pops up in your head, you gotta find a way to tune it out. These little questions like this are straight up evil, and they will eat you alive with even more questions like "what if?, maybe if, could possibly?...." If your gonna cut the cord,....cut ALL the cords!!
    Kanye West likes this.
  33. Kanye West

    Kanye West 'Parcells' Guy

    Mar 23, 2008
    I could really care less if she likes me or not I just was curious to what you guys thought but your right.
  34. Fishweiser

    Fishweiser New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    From the sounds of her? Think of a great video game you once loved. Then think of what you thought of it after you had beaten it? Ya liked it....but since ya already beat the game,...you were ready to venture out and you dont have any problems casting the old game aside.....

    Sounds like she likes more of how you made her feel than she does actually liking you....its a respect thing. Now once she sees you stand your ground and have your lines clearly drawn....AND she sees her games not going anywhere for her, a new respect may grow for you and who knows? You just gotta go your way and let her go hers, let her be the one to turn and follow....
  35. jason8er

    jason8er Luxury Box Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Beaufort, SC
    I knew it. Ignoring these types makes them more aggressive. She really doesn't like losing this game at all. And trust me, that's exactly what this is to her....a game. Like Muck said, your in the driver's seat now, so restore your dignity, and stay the **** away from this girl.

    Now you're talking! Except, when you check your phone in a few days, erase all texts and messages. The only time you should have any contact with this one, is when you happen to bump into each other in the street.

    Start getting to know those other girls you were talking about earlier. When you find a real sweetie, you'll drop the thoughts of your ex like a hot potato. :up:

  36. You wanna make yourself feel better. Introduce her to a jets fans and let her torment his life. She is bad news.......... just move on without her
  37. GISH


    Nov 23, 2007
    Over Yonder
    Her response to your lack of response told everything. If she was really dating someone else, and was happy with him, then why does she need to continue to harass you? She is just being a cold *****. Continue to ignore her. Start by ignoring her for a week. Then another week. Then another one. Then forever. Its that simple.
  38. Would it be wrong for him to poke her in the butt then wipe his dick on her pillow afterward?
  39. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    I'll give you a reason she is texting you. POWER, she has some need to feel power and she is trying, desperately, I might add, to exert power over you. NO, SHE DOES NOT STILL LIKE YOU, she is having fun torturing you or at least she thinks she is torturing you. Get away, fast and far. I may not be in the dating scene but I do lots of counseling and the reports you give of this girl raise lots of red flags. There is a very sick pathology here, GET OUT NOW
    Muck, jason8er and MikeHoncho like this.
  40. jason8er

    jason8er Luxury Box Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Beaufort, SC
    Ohiophinphan likes this.

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