In regards to the High Risk-High Reward article on Marshall....

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by CANEPHINS, Apr 15, 2010.


    CANEPHINS No Tats & Dreads Allowed

    Jan 4, 2009
    Savannah, GA

    #3 states that he basically isn't what this offense needs.
    How so?

    This offense doesn't need a guy who can run after the catch? It sure does and nobody is better after catching the ball than Marshall.

    This offense doesn't need a guy who can get the ball at its highest point? It sure as hell does and Marshall is one of the best at doing that. He can make an avg QB look great...See Kyle Orton.

    This offense doesn't need a physical WR who gladly throws blocks down the field for the running game? Marshall is a huge physical guy who is one of the running games biggest fans. Do you think Ronnie and Ricky are thrilled to have a guy who gets after the block or one who crumbles to avoid contact like Ginn? Yeah...thats what I thought.

    This offense doesn't need a WR who is in his prime and has caught over 100 passes 3 straight years? When was our last 100 WR guy? Irving Fryer? Come on.

    The guy who wrote this article is looking for every reason as to why Marshall is wrong instead of looking at every reason he is right.

    Marshall had more catches for over 20 yards than our entire team did last year. Marshall had more TD catches in the red zone than our entire team had last year. Marshall will make Henne better and will make every facet of our offense better from opening up other passing lanes and the running game.

    Sure, Marshall can get a ball coming out of the slot or get one deep on the fly. He is able to make guys miss after the catch and gets YAC. Ginn...please. He wouldn't know YAC if he was the only guy on the field after the catch.

    It is one thing to be negative on the deal just to be negative. However, it is another to totally ignore the positive.
  2. gilv13

    gilv13 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2009
    I agree. We land a top 5 receiver in his prime, and suddenly he is not good enough. please.

    CANEPHINS No Tats & Dreads Allowed

    Jan 4, 2009
    Savannah, GA
    And it wasn't that he isn't good was also a panic move. LOL

    We have been talking about getting him since before last season...yet because we got him right after he signed his tender makes it a panic move since we weren't hot on his trail during FA. LMAO!
  4. daphins

    daphins A-Style

    Mar 22, 2008
    Yeah, I usually reserve critiques on articles on the front page but that one took some large leaps. We got a big, speedy, physical receiver in his prime. And to call it a panic move is a hell of a stretch considering this FO's track record. My take..they brought in dez braynt, didn't like what they saw enough to use a #1 pick on them, so they moved onto bryant.
  5. CitizenSnips

    CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    i also have to wonder if Marshalls lack of deep plays had something to do with Ortons inability to throw deep very effectively.
    eltos_lightfoot likes this.
  6. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Yeah, I'm sorry as much as I respect KC Joyner and his opinion, and also the effort put into this front pager, there is just no way you are convincing me our offense doesn't need a guy who caught 100+ passes the past 3 years.

    And as a Dolphin fan site, could we not have a little warmer a reception on the front page for our newest acquisition?
    Ultra, Jeff and eric like this.
  7. eric

    eric New Member

    Oct 11, 2009
    im excited about the marshall trade. i understand there is a risk with him, but the reward he can bring far exceeds the risk.
  8. PSG

    PSG Clear Eyes. Full Hearts.

    Nov 24, 2007
    North of the Border
    This place and some of its dwellers boggle my mind sometimes.
    How you can be a Dolphins fan and not be giddy about Marshall is beyond me.
    Some people just need to ***** all the time, no matter what happens.
    eric likes this.
  9. phunwin

    phunwin Happy kids are Dolfans. Luxury Box

    You guys MIGHT want to consider reading the article in its entirety, since much of the frustration comes from, as far as I can tell, reading the bullet points. And, while you're at it, learning that there's such a thing as "nuance". Not everything is "ZOMG! I love it!!!!!!" or "WTF?!? I hate it!!!!"

    I'm not *****ing about the move. I'm happy about it. But not 10 out of 10 happy. More like 9 out of 10 happy. It's like some of you are expecting that not only is Marshall going to catch 100 passes, but he's going to win 3 straight Super Bowl MVPs, and buy free beer for fans at every home game.

    I specifically pointed out that Marshall fulfills the offense's biggest need: a receiver who can get open in the end zone, where yards are hardest to come by. That's huge. That's a mammoth upgrade for an offense that stalled way too many times inside the 20, or had to pull rabbits out of the hat to score. I am a big fan of that. We will score more points with Brandon Marshall than we did without him. Quite a bit more, in fact. That's excellent. But he's not going to help that much with the deep ball. That may not be a big deal; we moved the ball quite effectively last year without a real deep threat (another fact I pointed out). But, it's definitely an issue.

    I didn't call it a panic move. I questioned whether it was. I don't think it was a panic move, but the timing has to make people wonder. Monday morning, this place was in flames, wanting Jeff Ireland drawn and quartered because the Jets got Holmes for nothing. Suddenly, two days later, a guy that we'd professed zero interest in is a Miami Dolphin? I think it's just due to the price coming down, but still, that doesn't at least make you wonder for a second if Ireland was feeling some pressure?
  10. HardKoreXXX

    HardKoreXXX Insensitive to the Touch

    Apr 2, 2008
    Coral Springs, FL
    I read the entire article. Good stuff. I completely agree about the Red Zone aspect of Marshalls game. I think a lot of people this week (mostly Jets fans) were neglecting this while rushing to point out Marshalls YPC numbers.
  11. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    This one isn't negative IMO.

    Doc's article (exactly one story below) is a positive piece. That led for about 24 hours.

    My article's below them were more 'newsy', but they certainly weren't cold. I included some great quotes from Vonnie Holliday made Thursday morning.

    Were those not rosy enough for you? ;)

    I know we all want to hear about how great this move is. But I think it's important to keep an open mind and consider other points of view.

    About 6 years ago, someone wrote an article on the old site called "Rebuilding, Whether We Like It Or Not" in June. The site went absolutely bonkers. We even received a death threat.

    Five months later, the team was 1-8 and Wanny was fired.

    Though certainly extreme, my point is that he wrote something that wasn't necessarily in line with the glowing optimism. And he was right. ;)
    eric, Silverphin and mullingan like this.
  12. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    He is pretty much EXACTLY what this offense needs, people have to remember he isnt a deep threat, dont get me wrong he will catch the deep ball, but he is a mid-range guy, however what he provides is what Miami was AWFUL at........that being YAC baby....

    As Dolphins fans we come to expect when one of our receivers catch the ball, they go down right after that, Marshall doesnt go down hahaha.....
  13. Phinatic425

    Phinatic425 MIA State of Mind

    Feb 19, 2010
    Upper Left Corner
    What team doesn't want Marshall?
  14. ChrisKo

    ChrisKo Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 28, 2007
    The Denver Broncos
    TheAnswer385 likes this.
  15. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Like I said earlier, we just don't need the 21-catch game crap around here... those kind of shenanigans are simply unacceptable.
  16. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    thats pretty hardcore lol.......

    I read it Muck.....I know where the article is going, and I can see the other side.. I truely believe on this one indiviual issue though, the only way this thing doesnt work obviously if he gets thrown in jail, and suspended....However to bring arguably the most phyiscal receiver into a corp that really isnt at all, really cant be argued....Miami has never had a talent like this since Dan....I guy that on any given Sunday, on any play, in any game, in any quarter HAS to be accounted for, because if he isnt, he will burn you....It helps everybody, Henne, RB, RW, the WR core, Fasano....the benefits are just off the wall, so many options.....

    think about this, the guy caught 100 balls with Kyle Ortin....sometimes we as fans see numbers, put them into fanatsy context and dont associate the value or the work put in to achieve said numbers...catching 100 balls in the NFL isnt an easy thing to do....not only is he a proven WR in the league, but he is a proven 100 catch guy in the league...

    remember the days with Chad, pre-wildcat, when every opponet used to stack the LOS 8, 8 men in the box....and dared us to throw....those days are done bro...that in itself helps the running many options Muck, so many...
  17. orangefinfan

    orangefinfan New Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Phoenix, AZ
    Really, death threats? wow that shocks me.
  18. HardKoreXXX

    HardKoreXXX Insensitive to the Touch

    Apr 2, 2008
    Coral Springs, FL
    Sigh. I apologized for that on several occasions. Jesus, people are sensitive.
  19. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    I thought it was a well written article and that there is certainly a place for the opinions expressed in it. I just wonder if a more welcoming article would have been more appropriate right after the signing, but that's just my opinion, and isn't meant to disparage the content of your article, only the timing and placement.
  20. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    See that were I might disagree, they wanted the guy, as you said though at the right price, how else in the tricky offseason to do that without stating to have zero interest? How do you all of a sudden change your mind less than 12 hours after the guy signs his tender, I dont buy it......there was a plan, and again as you stated for the right price, but if that price came down, as it did, Miami didnt hesitate accomplishing said plan (that they had in place internally since the offseason started, and who knows probably even before)...this wasnt a spur of the moment, impulse buy....

    I definately agree with you that it doesnt fill the deep threat need, and Marshall isnt that guy...This has got to be Ginn's last shot if they dont trade him, to be any sort of productive wideout in the NFL....if he cant get off having Brandon freaking Marshall opposite him, he never will...

    All in all I like your article bro keep it coming!!
    eric likes this.
  21. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    I thought this was the only article regarding Marshall. Admittedly I need to check the Front Page more. :lol: Maybe I should change my bookmark to take me there instead of directly to forums.

    However, I still think Brandon Marshall deserves longer than a 24 hour honeymoon, at least as far as the front page is concerned. I can't help it, I just want maximum "rosiness"!! :up:
  22. FinsAreLife

    FinsAreLife Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    He is EXACTLY what this offense and team needs. This is probably the most complete offense we've had in a long time. Two solid RB's, a strong FB, a growing QB, an offensive line that has been working together mostly for 3 seasons, a solid TE, some solid possesion recievers and one 'big time' reciever. Now we can focus on putting together our defense.
  23. phunwin

    phunwin Happy kids are Dolfans. Luxury Box

    No, we're cool. I was referring more to some of the folks above. Doc wrote a very positive piece, which, as Muck mentioned, led for about 24 hours. I thought about holding off longer, but didn't want it to feel stale, so I posted mine.

    I think you're right that it was part of a plan. It just seemed strange to me that there was no overt interest prior to him signing his tender. No visit, no trade rumors floating in the breeze, nothing. By contrast, we KNOW the Seahawks were interested. They hosted him, they floated some deals with Denver and obviously nothing worked out. And of course, their interest ramped up once he signed the tender offer. It's just very unusual to see something come seemingly out of nowhere like the Marshall deal.

    Alas, I think Ginn is gone. Hope I'm wrong. Thanks for the love. :up:
    MonstBlitz likes this.
  24. eric

    eric New Member

    Oct 11, 2009
    the marshall deal didnt "come out of nowhere"
    i recall reading on here about marshall and parcells, spotted chatting around the time we accquired nolan.

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